Cupid's bow

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*joji's pov*
" and I were working together at some dumb office but we didn't know each other much.
Meria is a beautiful looking lady and looks like she is in her late 20s, her dark black hair was straight and reached her thighs with bangs that are covering her face and forehead. In the office we all gave her the nickname Snowwhite...she looked like her just with straight long hair, blue eyes, an hour glass body and freckles... conclusion...she was the dream girl of every. single. Man. Alive. she was and still is PERFECT.
Unfortunately, all of our conversations at that time were "hi", "how are you doing", "have a great day" and "good bye". Of course now you may ask why? well,
At that time she was dating that dumb Brandon.
Brandon was basically my age or something like that, he used to work with us but he got some problems with the new boss and so the new boss got fed up and kicked his ass out of the place.
Now little background information, Brandon was a walking red flag, the way he treats everybody, the way he talks, the way he works. Everything he does, red flags here and there. She was just too blind to see. Too in love to see, yet this all changed when she found out that all this time he wasn't just using her as a doll but also he was doing know drugs and so on, he thought that maybe if he made her join him the tables would turn and she would love him again.
So he decided to ask meria to join him, but each time his request would get turned down yet each time the requests were getting more aggressive, forceful and creepier. Until that day when I heard a voice screaming for help in the company, I don't know how this bastard was in the building but he was already in, assaulting her physically with the power he beholds.
of course me being the man I am, I made my way to her, and since I was already having a shitty week and since you would never find a new, free boxing sand bag made out of flesh, I deserved to give the new punching bag a try and turns out it was AMAZING. After a while The ***useless*** guards took him away as he was just bleeding, and for the first time, I saw meria smile.
That smile, that GOD DAMN SMILE, she was happy someone saved her and I asked her out for coffee, and guess what boiiss... We became besties over night, night after night, day after day we went out to places, invited each other to parties or our flats...and we developed feelings for each save your time ......we started dating...but 2 weeks later...things didn't go as planned....."

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