the fading

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When we arrived home she was already asleep in the car, so I had to carry her and take her to my apartment which isn't in its best state but we won't talk about this topic.
I laid her body on my bed and went to sleep beside her, I got a peaceful hour of sleep until my ears were dying from the girl's screaming.
"SHUT UP!!" I yelled with the power I had, she just stared at me with wide eyes.
"You still have your clothes on?" I asked
"No buts, that Brandon of yours couldn't care less about you, he didn't show up for you, I did and you are in my rule number one in my house is no screaming when I am asleep..."
I sighed
"feel free to live in it like it's yours, but don't tell anyone that you are here until you heal"
"Sir, yes sir!"
I was going to head back to sleep but I got cut off
"Hey joji?"
"I was going through my phone's gallery and... I found this"
She showed me a pic of me and her, I was kissing her cheeks in that pic, you know dating stuff
"What is this??" She asked
"I told you I was your bestie"
"Then why is it like this"
I have to lie for one more time, this might have a major change in the future but I will go for it
"My love language in hugs and kisses, yours was this too. don't you remember?"

She stuttered

"Well now you know"
I hugged her tightly

"Also you said we were besties?"
"Yes I did, meria"
"So we split up for what?"
"We didn't split up, you just don't remember me much anymore"

I said making a sad face with a dramatic performance

"Nooo, don't cry" she said hugging me hard enough to make me have an hour glass body
"Oh, I appreciate the love but you are killing me"
"Oop, sorry"

She is so cute I just wanna eat her cheeks...
I chuckled and hugged her and went to sleep again...

"Do you really wanna sleep that bad?.."

Her voice was sweet enough to stop a panic attack.


I was then hugged by her as she started humming a song...I don't remember much after that...all I remember was that I drifted off through the big ocean of dreams...

Next day
I woke up and started to stretch on the bed
"Good morning my lady"
I was greeted with nothing but the sound of wind coming from the windows.
I waited again, no response. I turned around to look for her but she wasn't on the bed anymore. I got off the bed in great fear


I started yelling her name as I started to panic. I felt like she left me...I was losing hope every second until I found her fixing her suit


I yelled

"Oh! To work"

She smiled

"Meria you are still sick"
"No I am not...I can go to work as much as I can"
"Not when you need medical are lucky the doctors let you go"
"But I wanna see brandon"

I stared at her for a few minutes.

"Rules in my house that must be obeyed. The last one will shock you"

She watches me with a confused face

"1-no screaming when I am asleep. You already heard this yesterday or something.

2-no going to work when you are sick-"

She cut me off.

"But brandon-"
"3- no brandon in my house...not even his name..."

She looked annoyed.

"4- as long as you are living here I will be the one who takes care of you...

And lastly...any party, anything that your friends invited you to...I am coming with you...since I am your caretaker Just in case someone happens"

She stomped her feet and left me

"You can go partying alone then?"

I followed her. But she used this angry goomba face again.

"Okay you can go to work?"
"What about Brandon?"

she scoffed and went to sleep on my bed

"With the suit?"

She got up, pushed me outside MY OWN ROOM and closed the door. I don't know why she still loves him... should I show her his true colors? don't want to go down to his level...but he should be careful with his next step...wait...why don't I just put a plan for myself and this is it...yeah...that's it!...just...I think I have the right one....

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