Chapter 17

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Rose Pov:

It's been 48 hours I've been blinded from the daylight. As the days go by I feel like I'm becoming smaller and smaller in between these bars. The reality of my life has hit me hard and I've realised that there is not much else I can do. I've just got to learn to live like this. It's infuriating to see how these criminals live in these cells. There violence and abuse is impeccable.

In the last 48 hours I have began to realise that I truly should be locked up for my actions. I shouldn't have stabbed Kevin to get away. I should have just let him kill me that night. It would have made everything much less complicated.

In the first 24 hours being behind these bars was making my anxiety grow more and more by the hours. But now I a feel a sense of relief. I can finally think about everything in my life without being judged. You could say it's a form of therapy.

"Miss Lockhart we would like to speak to you." A tall man with brown hair and a green and white uniform brings we out of my thoughts. His name tag just above his chest catches my eye it reads "Harvey."

"Okay" I gulp.

He pulls my arm's behind my back hand cuffing me. I wonder what they want to talk to me about they haven't spoken to me at all since they locked me up 2 days ago.

"Sit here." He gestures to a small chair when we enter a large dark blue room. This room isn't as intimidating as the previous one I was questioned in. It's much more spacious allowing me to actually breathe.

"Miss Lockhart, nice to see you again." Sam announces as he walks into the room. He some how doesn't look as intimidating this time as he did the last.

"Mark will be here in a minute. Then we can begin. Would you like a drink?" He offers.

"No thank you." I mumble.

"Here's your coffee." Mark chimes as he enters the room. Placing it infront of Sam.

"Could you please turn around so I can remove your handcuffs Miss." Mark exclaims making his way towards me.

"Sure." I turn around and a let out a loud sigh as the cold metal cuffs are realised from my warm smooth skin.

"Right Miss Lockhart we would like you to sign some paper work then you will be discharged." Mark says as he sits down at the large desk next to Sam.

"Discharged." What how the hell am I getting discharged. Maybe the God above feels bad for all the things that I've had to deal with so he finally send down a miracle for me.

"Yes. Your ex - boyfriend Kevin was run over yesterday and a couple of hours later he died. On his death bed he confirmed with his mother that you stabbed him for self defense and that he doesn't want to press charges against you."

My eyes start to water and within seconds the tears are rolling heavly down my cheeks. I can't make out if they are happy tears that he is finally dead and I'm free to live the way I've dreamed of for so long. Or the fact that deep down I never really wanted anything bad to happen to him. I knew that somewhere deep inside his twisted soul there was a man, a kind hearted sweet man that loved me with all his heart and the fact that he was thinking about me on his death bed confirms the fact that he truly did love and care for me. Maybe not the way that was right. But he loved me in his own sick and twisted way.

"Are you okay?" Sam questions bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm just having trouble coming to terms with the fact he's truly gone." I mutter.

"I truly understand. Would you like a moment." He asks concern in his eyes.
"No it's okay. Can I just sign the paper work and head of then."

"Avcourse but there is also another thing that we had to take into account."

"And what was that?" I ask my heart beating out of my chest.

"The fact that you tried to commit suicide by jumping of a train. We have made an appointment for you to meet with a therapist tomorrow. Which we hope will help to overcome your difficulties."

"Okay" I nod. I guess talking to a therapist about my problems wouldn't be that bad. Maybe she can come up with some solutions on what the hell I do with my life next.

After endless paper work and enough signatures to last me a lifetime. I am finally free to leave. I make my way out the large electronic double doors and instantly get a taste of the warm summer breeze. It feels so fresh, so crisp and for the first time I feel free and excited about what is coming next in my life.


Hey guys I'm so sorry for a late update. I've been incredibly busy this week so I haven't had much time to write and I really didn't want to rush this chapter.

Everything will be back to normal next week regular updates on a Wednesday :)

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to vote and comment. Love you all xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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