Chapter 1

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I pull my suitcase down the stairs, taking deep breaths to calm my nerves. I am finally doing it. I am going to leave, I give one more quick glance at the house, I have spent the last two years in. So many bad memories over lapping my brain. It's a foreign feeling to think at one point I was actually happy here moving in with the man I truly loved into a brand new house. It was perfect really. We spent everyday painting the house together, decorating it and constantly joking around with one another. Everything was so easy back then. But It quickly took a turn around when he chose the alcohol over me.

The creamy white walls hold so many horrific memories. That my chest aches as my brain fights it's way into the past. I close my eyes. Letting out a loud sigh of relief. This is it. I will never have to come back here ever again. No more abuse, no more violence. It's a whole new beginning, a brand new chapter in my life.

I turn the lights off in the hall, and open the front door, The wind howles it's way in smashing one of the large Italian vases. I would usually rush to get a dustpan and shovel to clean up the mess but right now that's the last thing on my mind. I step into the darkness, relieved that I finally made it out this time. But all to soon my breathing goes heavy and my heart instantly drops as I hear heavy boots making their way towards me.

"Where do you think you're going?" His vulgar expression shows yet again he is highly intoxicated.

I try to detach my feet from the ground. But I am frozen my mind is telling me to run, to race to do whatever it takes to get away from this evil man. But my actions don't seem to be cooperating with my mind. This has happened too many times. He convinces people I am crazy that it is all in my sick twisted head. He makes them believe he is faultless, sinless, righteous that he would never imagine hurting a fly and all the innocent people out there fall for his evil lies but nobody really knows what happens behind closed doors. Behind closed doors the world is a dark and mysterious place.

I'm brought out of my thoughts as Kevin places his hand on my back and I do the only thing I can think of doing. I scream, I scream as loud as my fragile cords can possibly release. My actions finally manage to get the signal from my brain and I move to run but Kevin quickly pulls me back into the house covering my mouth with his large, sweaty hands. He pushes me to the ground. Using all of his weight to keep me still in the position I am lying in. I try with all my upper body strength to push him of me but It doesn't do me any justice with his large, build body he doesn't even budge.

"Why are you doing this? Let me go!" I scream and yell making every sound possible into his hands. He doesn't at all seem affected by my actions. When my screams start to fade he finally moves his hands away from my mouth. I spit right in his face as his red blood shot eyes look directly into mine.

What feels like hours later I feel him push the front door with his feet making sure to keep me pinned down till the door bangs shut.

"I told you last time what would happen if you tried to leave me again didn't I." He harshly remarks leaving a smug grin spread across his evil face. The smell of liquor is unbearable as it leads it's way up my nostrils.

The tears trickle slowly down my cheeks as I feel my new black dress being torn from my body. I feel so broken, so hurt, so taking advantage of. I am left in nothing but my underwear being dragged across the cold, wooden floor. I feel something sharp indulge into the skin of my back. My hands manage to get the object out of the skin. It burns surely leaving a mark. I get a quick glance at the object before it falls to the ground and realise it is the vase that smashed earlier from the wind.

My body lays still on the ice, cold tiled floor in the kitchen my arm's and legs spread far across the floor. The only movement I can see is the rapid movement of my chest moving up and down as my breathing is finding it's way back to normality. My tears have led to loud sobs not allowing me to recognise who I am anymore.

"You know I only do this because I love you." Kevin states running his fingers through my hair. My body seems to have given up as I can no longer find the strength to push him away.

"If you loved me you would let me go." I try to sound harsh but It comes out more as a whisper but his expressions shows that he heard exactly what I said.

"I'm nothing without you. You make me complete. That's why tonight is the night i've decided I'm going to kill us both. That way you can never try and leave me again. We can finally rest in peace together." He threatens pulling a knife from the kitchen drawer. Leaving me once again wounded and breathless.

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