Chapter 4

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June 16th 2014

My name is Rose Lockhart, I am 22 years old. I have been physically and mentally abused for the past 18 months. I have completely lost myself as I person. I no longer know who I am. What my purpose is. All I know is that I wanted to get as far away from that obsessive alcoholic as I could. Now I can finally start to figure myself out. Unravel myself and see all the qualities I have that have been hiden by the darkness for far to long. I have so many regrets all because I met him. He changed me into a completely new person not for the better. There are no positives at all. I have become a monster. The old me would never hurt anyone but the new vicious me just stabbed a man to be set free. I wish I could go back and change everything. If only I could go back and erase the day we met. But sadly that's not the way life works.

The only thing I can do is look forward and think about the positives maybe then I will learn once again what It feels like to be happy because I can't remember the last time I laughed a genuine laugh or even smiled because something made me truly happy. Hopefully after this day I will no longer have to fake to be happy and I genuinely will be.

"We're here." The driver announces.

I shove my belongings back in my bag and pull out my wallet to pay him.

"Don't worry about money it's on me." He assures me smiling.

"No I can't do that I feel bad here." I say handing him fifty dollars.

"Don't worry about it. He says placing it back in my hands. It looks like you've had a hard night. You can use that money for part of your flight. I've been on the run before and trust me it isn't cheap."

I thank the driver and he wishes me all the best and tells me to be careful. I promised him I would and thanked him again for being such a generous man.

I stroll through LAX Airport everyone is rushing around. Pulling suitcases, knocking bags over, trying to overtake people. I try to take in the details off the place but with the amount of people it makes me feel nauseous. I go to the front desk and they inform me that their is one seat left on the next flight which leaves in thirty minutes and I could make it now if I run.

Thirty minutes later I sit here looking out the window. There is a little girl seated next me with her mum on the other side. I made it right on time luckily because I only had one bag I only had to go through security and didn't have to go through the whole process of waiting in the queue for them to weigh my suitcase.

"Hi I'm Savannah what's your name?" The little girl asks looking overly excited.

"Hi Savannah it's nice to meet you, I'm Rose."

"That's a pretty name." she laughs.

"What's so funny?" I ask the little blonde girl.

"You have the same name as a flower." She laughs again this time a genuine laugh. Showing of her little dimples.

"I do" I say laughing along with the little girl.

"Have you ever been to London?" She asks her little blue eyes looking up at me.

"No I haven't but I have always wanted to ever since I was a little girl? Have you?"

"Yes my daddy lives there." She explains.

"That's nice. Are you excited to see him." I ask.

"Yes very much?" She grins.

The next hour is spent with the little girl telling me all about how she wishes her mum and dad still lived together. She explained that her parents would argue all the time and she would cry in her closet trying to escape from the noise. Her mum stayed quiet as her daughter told her story to me, a complete stranger. My heart breaks for the little girl who's smile could lighten up any ones day and sadly she's had to deal with alot in the short few years she's lived. I look over at her to find her cuddled up to her mum both of them are fast asleep. I pull out my journal and within seconds the pen once again takes over the paper.

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