Chapter 14

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Fate. Everyone's fate highly differs. Some believe it depends on your good and bad deeds others believe that your fate can't be changed it was always meant to be that way. But I don't completely agree. To me fate is an unexpected journey which is controlled by your actions. Being a good person isn't going to give you any less hardships. We all have to deal with problems which no one else understands. Some of us have to deal with a miraculous amount of crucial dilemmas. When are intentions were always good from the beginning.

I always tried to be a good person but I never truly exceeded. The problems of life sucked me into a dark back hole and brought out my dark side. My angelic side has been overpowered and I fear it no longer exists.

I sit here looking at the grey stoned walls. A bright light is shining over me blinding me from my hopes and dreams. A small table seperates me from two large build cops. They introduced themselves as Mark and Sam. Mark is very tall with dark brown hair and Sam is average height with blonde wavy hair Both of them are smartly dressed in their uniforms, Making me feel very intimated.  The room is so small it's suffocating. I feel my inner claustaphobia overpowering me. Bringing my nausia and dizziness alive.

"Can we confirm that your full name is Rosemary Lockhart." Mark asks with his rather thick english accent.

"Yes, but I prefer to be know as Rose." It seems odd hearing my full name "Rosemary" It reminds me of when I was a child and I would get into trouble I just knew from the way my mum would yell Rosemary that I had down something to upset her.

"Okay Rose we are going to ask you a couple of questions. Try to tell us as much detail as you can remember."

"Okay" I gulp.

"Ok, let's go back to the start.

"What year were you born?"


"What City were you born in?"

"Los Angeles"

"Okay, who do you currently live with?" Sam asks his beady eyes glaring at me. Does he know? Oh my god if he knows I  could get in alot of trouble for lying to a police officer. Should I tell them the truth? No I can't or I can get locked up for life. Maybe if I explain it was self defense they will...

"Miss Lockhart we are going to have to push you for an answer."

"Yeah avcourse. I'm travelling at the moment. So I'm staying in and out alot of places."

"According to our resources your boyfriend Kevin was stabbed and left on the kitchen floor. Do you know anything about this."

I should just blurt it out now before I get into real trouble. But being the whimp that I am I shake my head.

"The officers got there right in time or else he wouldn't have made it." Darn those officers why couldn't they have just let that castigating, dimposomaniac, destructive man suffer the cause of his own consequences for once.

"That's great but Kevin and I aren't together anymore."

"How long ago did u break up?"

"I don't know about a week ago."

"Was this before or after Kevin got stabbed because we have proof that you were their at the house that night."

I place my head down on the table and break into loud sobs. I may as well just admit it was me. They are going to ask me question after question until I finally admit that I done it.

"It was me. But you have to understand it was self defense." I whimper through my loud sobs.

Harry Pov:

My heart is racing as I pace back and fourth in this room. I've been waiting 2 hours. 2 whole fucking hours she's been in there for. As if she isn't going through enough right now. They could of at least  had the decency to wait until tomorrow to question her.

I still can't believe I found her again. She must be going through some real shit considering she was about to jump of a train. If I didn't get there when I did. She could have been departed from this world. I can feel the remains of my lunch making their way up at thought of never seeing her again.

It's been four years. Four years I managed to live without her. The first year was absolute hell for me. I woke up every  morning with the most horrific feeling.  Not looking forward to seeing anyone or doing anything it was the most draining year of my entire existence.

The second year it started to get better she started to escape my mind for much longer periods of time but I still found myself thinking about her every now and again which made me drink till I couldn't think straight anymore.

The third year I began to get alot better. I realised I couldn't spend the rest of my life mopping around over a girl who left me to deal with all the problems we were supposed to face together by myself. So I moved from living with my grandparents in L.A back to London to live with my parents. I started a new college and made a much better group of friends. I even dated a few girls but none of them compared to her.

This year has been the most unexpected year. I graduated from the university of London and managed to get my diploma. I moved out into my own apartment in Brighton and was offered various different jobs. I'm currently working at "Yummy's Bakery." Until after the summer when I will start my job as an English professor.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave!" an officers thick voice brings me out of my thoughts.

"No fuck. I'm not leaving without my friend." I raise my voice at the grumpy old man.

"We are going to have to keep her in further questioning. You can come back tomorrow." He insists his cheeks turning red.

"Did you not hear me im not fucking leaving with out her." I yell as I approach the officer. I can't bare the thought of her having to stay overnight in a vulgar place like this.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to calm down or security will have to remove you from the building."

"Fuck you." I scream as I make my way towards the exit.

Hey guys I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Please remember to vote and comment what you think. It would really mean alot:)
Love you all❤❤

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