Chapter 5

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June 17th 2014

I was Nineteen. Nineteen years old when I met him. Although I hate to admit. It was one of the best nights of my life. I was invited to one of the biggest parties of the year with a mixture of college students and high school students. I transfered colleges at the end of my first year. So I was in my second year of college at the time. Partying or drinking were never really my thing until I came to college and ended up with the wrong crowd of friends.

My lips were lined with red. Cheeks a pink coral colour. My eyes were dark lined with eyeliner. Every little detail is still clear in my mind. My black and white floral dress came half down my thighs not leaving much to imagination. I never usually dressed to show of my bare skin. But I wanted to make an effort for this night.

I felt the cold air blow my hair as I walked through the big black doors. I was instantly given a red cup full of some sort of liquor. The liquid burned as it ran down my throat. But I didn't waste any time letting the rest of the cold, vulgar liquid run through my veins calming my nerves. As I walked further in everyone was dancing most of them groping and grinding on one another. There were people making out against the dark toned walls. Smoke filled the air and the smell of booze filled my nostrils.

I spent most of the night on my own drinking until I could barely see straight anymore. Every so often moving my hips along to the rhythm of the songs I liked. I may have been highly intoxicated but somehow I remember every part of how we met.

The lights were dimmed. Sugar by Maroon 5 ran through the speakers at full volume. A young man with dark hair and pale skin made his way through the crowd towards me. His caramel eyes looked down into mine. The way the light hit him at the angle he stood at made him look like an angel. I think it may have been the alcohol clouding my mind with these thoughts. But the way I remember it. It was perfect.

He introduced himself as Kevin. My heart started to beat a little bit faster, palms sweaty and I felt my mouth go dry as I told him my name. His caramel eyes twinkled making my stomach turn. We spent the rest of the night getting to know each other. He seemed intrigued to know every detail about me that I wasn't afraid to give him. I can still feel the way his warm fingers ran through my long hair making my heart beat out of my chest. He slowly lift me placing me on his lap as his soft, moist lips found there way to mine. He kept it slow and steady it was filled with complete passion. No lust, No asking for more. I miss how delicate his touch was once upon a time...

I feel the tears running down my cheeks staining the white pages filled with black ink. At one point we were actually happy. I loved his humorous, playful side and the way his delicate touch always left me wanting more. But sadly that side that wonderful side of him didn't stay long. I would have loved to get to know it better. But it drowned away with the alcohol.

I close the journal placing it back in my bag. My eyes start to feel heavy and minutes later I am in a world were there are no demons, no enemies nothing but true love and happiness.

"We will be landing in 10 ten minutes."

I am awoken by the pilots announcement. I sit up in my seat running my fingers through my hair to make it look half decent.

"Your awoke." Savannah chimes.

"Yeah and so are you. Did you sleep well." I ask her.

"Yeah I did." She beams.

"Not long until you see your dad now."

" I know I can't wait he's picking us up from the airport." She responds a little smile growing on her face.

"That's exciting." I turn to look out the window as the clouds go out of view and the buildings and greenary come into sight. The plane gets closer and closer to the ground and it slightly jerks when it finally hits the ground.


"It was nice meeting you." I tell Savannah as she wraps her little arms around my legs.

"Will I see you again?" She asks tears filling her little eyes.

"Yes of course." I reply hoping to see her little smile once again.

"You promise?" She asks little sobs falling from her lips.

"I promise." I kneel down and gently place a kiss on her head.

"Savannah." A tall man with blonde hair and glasses shouts.

"Dad" she turns around and runs towards him. He picks her up and swings her around. While loud giggles are heard from both of them.

"I'm sorry about Savannah she get's attached to people far to quickly." Her mother apologises staring at her ex- husband with sympathy clear in her eyes.

"Don't worry I like her company, she's sweet." I tell the woman who looks far to nervous to hear any of the words I'm saying.

I tell them goodbye once more before heading outside Heathrow Airport. The sky is filled with all sorts of pastel colours as the sun is setting. I feel a sense of relief as I get a taste of the warm summer breeze. I can't believe I actually made it here. I've done it. I'm across the other side of the world. A smile takes over my face. As my mind tries to forget about everything that happened in the last twenty four hours.

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