Chapter 10

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Kevin Pov:

The sun shines brighly in the room burning my eyes as I try to figure out where I am. I feel something covering my mouth making my face feel heavy and uncomfortable. I try to pull it of my mouth my hands gripping each side of the object but as I try to pull it of a small, delicate hand stops me.

"He's awake, go get a doctor." I hear the person scream. I can't make out who the voice is. It sounds familar, too familar before I know it I'm calling out for her. "Rose, Rose is that you." My voice sounds barely audible as I try to move my hands out to reach for her.

"Rose isn't here sweetheart. It's me your mum." She sobs running her hands up my arms trying to comfort me.

My heart instantly shatters. "Rose, call Rose, I want Rose." I try to scream but the mask over my face doesn't do me any justice. I try to kick my legs, unravel my arm's, get up of the bed but all the wires wrapped around me hold me tightly in place.

"You need to calm down." My mother warns me.

"How can I calm down when Rose isn't here, where is she?" I didn't even realise I was crying this hard until I feel my tears pounding hard down my cheeks.

"I don't ermm know." She says hesitating.

I feel the familar pain in my head return this is too much to tolerate. I can feel my brain going crazy thinking of all the possibilities of where she could be. The pain kicks in harder than ever. Making my breathing increase tremendously and the sound of the heart rate monitor quickens making me black out once again.

Rose Pov:

Do you ever wonder if the universe is making a god damn fool of you. That the god or the creator of this world looks down and laughs at how complicated your life is. I do infact I can hear him laughing at me right now. Every ounce of misery I felt with Kevin has suddenly multiplied by ten and my inside's are clenching tightly making me want to throw up at any moment. I can't bring myself to speak. I can feel the colour fading from my face as I look back at the girl I once called my friend. I force a smile and reply "It's been far to long."

"I know it feels like forever. How have you been? Are you dating anyone?"

How can she act so normal like nothing ever happened. It may have been years ago but as they say the biggest events in your life are the ones that can never be forgotten.

"I can't do this." I yell and make my way to the toilet. I ignore the hateful glares people across the train give me. If only they knew how much I've had to deal with in my short twenty two years of living I have been through hell and there are always going to be reminders of something terrible in my life. I open the door to the toilet and sit on top of the seat. I can't help but sob loudly. Everyone in the train can probably hear me but for once I couldn't care less. All I want to do is curl up into a tiny ball in a dark room and never come out again.

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