"It's Your Year Austin!"

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My alarm clock wakes me up, sadly. I just want Friday to be over with already it's going to be a big drag now, knowing that I am going to Texas next week, leaving Monday. 

I get up and I get in the shower, after the shower I slip on my favorite plaid shirt from Hollister which is pink and white, and then I put on my black shorts, (not to short shorts) and then I slip on my pink flats. I then put my makeup on but not to much as always, and then I comb out my hair and put musse in my hair to make it have a beach look to it. 

After that, I really don't have to do anything else until it's time to leave. I do have to eat breakfast though of course. 

I unlock my phone and I go to Twitter 

I tweet: 

"Goodmorning! This week really needs to hurry up. Like. Now." I then click send, and I get a few retweets from a few Mahomies. 

A few minutes later Austin retweets, I wonder if he gets my tweets sent to his phone or something, because everytime I tweet, he tweets like a few minutes later. 

"Goodmorning! I am so excited to see all the Mahomies this week and next week! :D" He tweeted. 

Next, week? I thought he was going to Texas for break next week? 

My phone starts ringing to the song Healdines by Drake (I swear my ringtone switches every week) I look to see who it is, and it's Austin. I'm not surprised because I know everyone, well, Kristen wouldn't be calling me this early. 

"Hey." I said. 

"Hey, I forgot about something and it may change our plans up a little bit." He said. 

Oh gosh. 

"What are they?" I aksed sighing. 

"I have to go to New York too, not just Texas next week. So if you could come by New York with me for half the week and then go to Texas the other half, and come back Monday morning, then that'd be much more fun, and you'll have a longer time with me too." He said, he sounds worried. "I'm sorry. I forgot." He said. 

"Oh, no, it's okay. I was just thinking. I need to talk to my Mom.. again." I said, rolling my eyes since he can't see me. 

"Oh, okay. Well let me know, okay? I'm sorry. Hopefully your Mom still won't mind." 

"I know right, if these plans get canceled I'll be so upset." I said, sounding bummed.

"Well, your Mom seems cool. But if she says no, we'll still figure something out." He said, acting like he's a genius, and could make a plan to get my Mom to say yes. Usually my Mom isn't that easy to get a yes from.

"Okay, well I'll go talk to her now so I can get it over with. I'll hopefully let you know before school." I said, sighing again. I hate asking my Mom for things, it's just so annoying sometimes because she asks tons of questions.

"AVA!!" It must be time for breakfast.

"Coming!" I yelled.

I ran down, and my Mom was cooking this big breakfast. It's so weird.

"Hey Mom, what's all of this?" I asked.

"Oh, well, since you are leaving the last few days I'm going to cook tons of big meals for you. You know, how I always cook for your Dad before he goes back." She said, looking down, kind of sad.

"Oh, thanks Mom." I said smiling. "Uh, about that. I need to ask you something, there's been some switching around for the plans next week." I said, looking at her worried.

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