Love Is So Difficult

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We make it to the house, and it is pretty late.

"Where have you guys been??" Michele asked.

"We went to the park." I said.

"Sorry Mom, I thought Aunt Lisa would tell you."

"Nope she didn't. She went to bed because she was so exhausted! Your friends left, I think we should all go to bed. It's nice to be at our old house again. Our home." Michele said smiling. "Well, I'm going to sleep! You guys can figure out where to sleep! I trust you.. Austin." Michele said laughing and walking off.

Austin rolls his eyes. "Are you tired?" He asked.

"A little." I said.

"We can go to bed, I'm tired too." He said. "Do you wanna sleep in my room?"

"Um, yeah sure." I said smiling. He smiles back and grabs my hand to guide me to his room.

He opens the door, and my eyes suddenly widen. All his posters, made by Mahomies, are literally covered on every single wall. There is not one place that is not covered. Even the ceiling is covered.

"Wow, this is amazing." I said.

"I know. I have amazing Mahomies." He said smiling.

"You do! How long did it take you to cover all of your room?" I asked.

"Not long!" He said giggling.

"I bet not." I said.

He sits down on his bed, and then I do. He keeps looking at me and smiling at me.

"What?" I said blushing.

"Nothing, just looking at my beautiful girlfriend." He said winking.

"Well I wouldn't say beautiful.." I said.

"You're right!" He said.

I look at him confused.

"You're perfect. Flawless." He said, winking at me again.

"Well thank you handsome." I said smiling. Blushing even more than I have been.

"Anytime babe." He said, pecking my cheek.

I bite my lips. And he laughs. "You okay?" He said.

"You make me go crazy." I said mocking him from earlier.

He laughs. "We both make each other go crazy." He said biting his lip. "I like that about our relationship." He said winking. He kisses me on the forehead and then pecks me on the lips.

I smile at him, and he keeps trying to look at me in the eyes, and I keep looking away because I will either start to blush or laugh or just become really like... I don't know.. myself.. a big dork.

He laughs. "Sorry." He said.

"About what?" I asked.

"If I keep staring at you weirdly.." He laughed.

"Oh, no! It's okay. I'm just...shy." I said.

"I know you are, but it's cute. I'm shy too." He said.

"I don't think you're shy.. you sure don't seem shy to me!" I said.

Performing in front of thousands of people and being shy? I didn't even know such a thing even existed. I guess celebrities show their different personalities towards the public. Maybe face to face to someone they can be more quiet, nervous, shy towards them. Austin was never towards me though.

"Well, I can get shy. Like during interviews people will ask me things about like who I'm crushing on or things like that I'll get more quiet." He said smiling.

Catching Feelings (Austin Mahone Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now