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"I'm glad I have a friend like you Ava. I wish you didn't have to go back home to Tennessee... right?" She asked.

"Yeah. Believe me, I don't want to go back home. My friend Kristen is a Mahomie of Austin's and she doesn't even know I date him, or even contact him. I don't know what to do right now. When I get back home, it's gonna be hard to tell her. Because I've been hiding her from it for awhile." I said, looking worried.

"I'm sure she'll be happy for you. She might become jealous of you.. I mean look.. it's Austin. I'm sure every girl would be jealous. I mean, I have Alex so I'm not jealous but still, you're really lucky." She said. "Are you guys going to make it go public?"

"I don't want to, and I don't think he wants to either. I mean, I just don't want to see rumors about me in the tabloids about 'Oh, she did this!', 'She ruined Austin's career!', you know things like that." I said rolling my eyes.

"I totally agree with you. I wouldn't want to make it public either. You know, they'll find out eventually." She said shrugging her shoulders.

The last thing I want to do is ruin Austin's carreer, I would never try to do that. He's so talented, and he has loyal fans, I don't want our relationship to ruin some of it. If not all. Have you seen how Justin Bieber is on E! News, TMZ, and all those other shows and how his business is now everyone elses business? And he's on there everyday, because he doesn't have any privacy from paps, I don't want that to happen to Austin. Yes, that's what comes with fame but it gets out of hand sometimes.

It's not fair. It's like bullying.

"Yeah, hopefully not until Austin is a little further off with his career." I said. And as I pull my head up from looking at the rack, I see Lacey. She was already looking at me.

Are you kidding me?

When she realizes I see her she waves at me and smiles. I try to smile as big as I can at her without looking like I terribly hate her. It's not that I hate her...

 I just stongly dislike her.

"Ava.." Sarah said worriedly. "Do you see her too?" She asked.

"Yes, yes I do." I said rolling my eyes. "Why doesn't the crew like her so much though? Like I know she was flirting with Austin, and she does seem cold hearted but what did she do to them?" I asked.

"Well, she was trying to break me and Alex up a couple years ago. She made me so pissed that year, you have no idea. And now I just tell Alex to avoid her and I avoid her. But now we have to go to her party this weekend, it's going to be hard for both me..and you." She said, "But Austin knows better." She countinued.

"Yeah. I know, I'm not to worried. But it is my fault we're going to this party anyways." I said, looking worried even though I said I'm not worried.

"Hi guys!" Lacey said. I didn't even realize she was walking up to us.

"Uh. Hey?" I said.

So awkward.

"So, are you guys going to my party this weekend?" She asked.

"Yeah. Me, Austin, Sarah, and Alex are coming." I said.

"Perfect!" She said, with a smirk. I looked at her with a confused look.

"Hopefully it's better than your party two years ago." Sarah said rolling her eyes.

My eyes widen. "Oh, it will be." She said, with the fakest smile I've ever seen in my life.

I look out the store window and I see Austin and Alex walk by. Austin looks through the store window. His eyes widen.

He walks right in once he sees Lacey.

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