Chapter 7

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I spent most of my Saturday asleep, Sunday was all about watching t.v. and reading but when all I could do is think abou the mystery guy, I just gave in and forced myself to sleep till Monday morning.


It's Monday morning, 7:30am and I'm desperately trying to get ready for school. I was distracted this morning by watching SpongeBob SquarePants that now I'm running late. I grab my Hurley pants, snatch a Explosions in the Sky shirt I made myself, and put it on. I'm wearing my Tom's like whatever and as soon as my liner is on, i'm out the door. Crap. I need gas on this stupid thing, my car needed gas. There I will take forever, this Monday morning wasn't going so well so far.

Once I make it to school, I am being directed to the cafeteria, where they hold the "tardy Kids" in for first period, so they wont interrupt class. There are about a dozen both sided tables. We must sit in silence, write our name in the clipboard with the attached paper that reads "TARDY STUDENTS LIST" on it, in big bulky letters. I sign my name in before being assigned to a seat. A fat security man with an Irish red mustague leads me to a table. I sit. I put my head down, and quickly I am told to keep my head up and not fall asleep. As I do so, I look around. I see faces among faces, all ordinary and plain. I finally see the eyes of a beautiful monster. I am mezmerized by his gaze and small smile he sends me.

(Anthony's POV)

I looked at myself this morning in the mirror, wishing I was more brave than a wimp. Friday after being extremely annoyed with school, teachers, homework, life...I was ready to throw the towel, but I saw a face that gave a warm welcoming to me. Eyes are dark as the midnight skies, skin of a light tan silk, face of an angel I wish I knew. Though her stare was blank as it followed my face, I felt a shiver of something sweet. She was mysterious, very, and that made me crave her big rosy soft olive lips. She had a look to her, like she was in a trance, one I was in control of. I want to know her, I want to have her make me feel the way I felt her spark.


It's Monday, after getting of my truck and making my way inside the campus, all I could do is look inch by inch, in serch of this beautiful girl, who has caught my wildest dreams. Where is she? How do I find her? Someone help me! ...

I search and search, but nothing. I've asked people I've never talked to but no one knows. I'm too shy to ask my friends, I didnt even tell them about her. I was too shy.

After searching everywhere in this damn school, I was about to give up. When I saw her in the parking lot. The bell had just rung, including the safety bell. She was late, and soon I would too.

I made it before her, I signed my name on the clipboard, sat down and waited to see her come in.

As she walked to the door, my heart sunk. I could feel this adreneline of everything exciting. I wanted her to look at me, I wanted to see her face once again. I can't belive I was doing this, I wanted her attention. I wanted the same passion she gave me, even if it was with just a stare. I felt this girl take my soul as she left me standing there on friday. She took my sense and mind, she has it all. I'm left with this feeling that I need her most. I need her. I feel I desire her with a great passion.

Look at me, look at me I repeat to myself. Oh, she has noticed my gaze..

I can feel her warm smile. I'm speechless..


Author's note:

I hope you guys like this. I'm not much of a writer. Not like this at least.

Let me know what you think, honestly. I wanna know.

Thank you sooo much!!! X's & Oh's- Lora.

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