Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I drop Bekah off at her house, take a quick turn on the corner of her street and I'm home. Living close to Bekah can have its advantages at times.

As I get home I walk through the door and call out for my mum. "Mum!, woo hoo!!", I cry out. My mum calls my name through the kitchen and I make my way towards her. "What are you making? I'm starving," I pout and patt my belly, all at once while trying not to smile.

"Aww, poor baby, you going to die from hunger?", she's making a face as if I'm a baby and she feels sympathy for me. But its all sarcasm, she doesn't feel sad.

"Mum!! I'm serious, I'm about to die or something. I'm ready to kill a pigeon and give it to our chickens so then I can eat the chicken with my bare teeth, then you're going to feel sad about your rooster or whatever it is and you're going to say 'Oh no! I should've cooked something for my lovely daughter, but since I didn't, she ate my penguin after feeding it an eagle and now she's dead from eating a wild, raw, ferocious bird!', and by then you'll regret not making me food and since I'll be gone with the wind, I'll make sure to come at night and haunt you." She's looking at me like I'm a freak, and well, maybe I am.

"Oh shut it", she giggles and slaps my shoulder, which means to stop making her laugh, It's funny. "I'm making some lasagna, salad, bread sticks, and cheesecake. Well...I bought the cheesecake already made but I since I went through all the trouble of buying it, I deserve the credit of saying I made it by scratch."

"Sweet! Have I told you, you look extra young today?", I give her a mysterious look and she nods. "Well I'm off to my room. Let me know if you need help." She slaps my butt with the rag she uses to carry hot dishes with.

As I go in my room I drop my backpack on my bed and my jacket and boots on the floor. I lay in bed wondering as to why I'm such a chicken that I can't even talk to Anthony. I can't even talk about him, not even to bekah. Thinking about bekah made me remember that she'd written a letter to me but asked to read it when I was alone. So I dig into my backpack till I find it, I open it and...

"Lora, you know I love you right? You know I'd do anything for you no matter what right? Loving you has been a challenge, no. Not a challenge, a complete vertigo dream. I live to see you the next day, I love you. But that's not the reason as to why I'm writing to you. I'm writing to you because I had a talk with Starr the other night. I was thinking of you and of how I wish you were not the one I've fallen for, because it hurts to love you. But anyways, Starr and I talked about you, and Starr got extremely emotional. She began to cry and tell me how much she wants you back. She is breaking down right behind your back. You need to know this because we both know how she is. I'm afraid she'll do something stupid, either to herself or to you. I tried to talk her down on thinking negative but you know Starr. She is who and what she is. I love you, and I know I've done stupid emo things to myself because I can't deal with my feelings very well, but Starr, well she's worse and you gotta protect yourself. Well, I'm glad I told you. I love you, see you later alligator :) Bekah."

Wow! I don't even know what to think. At this point I'm not only upset but I'm depressed and I don't know what to do. I crumble the letter and toss it on the ground. "Lora!!, food is ready!", my mum yells and I take advantage of the distraction. I eat, drink, and wash dishes. My mum and dad are going to take my sisters to the store. After all this drama I have in my head, I ask if I could just stay home. I really don't feel like going anywhere.

As my family leaves, I lock the door once their out to secure from anyone getting in. All those feelings come back to mind and I'm bursting with rage and sadness. I rush to my room, and behind my stereo is where I've always hid my liquor. Without thinking twice, I open my jack daniel's #7 bottle and take two chuggs just like that. I felt the hot liquor make its way from my throat to my stomach. It burned a bit so I grab my malibu bottle and chugg that like its sunny delight. I'm used to drinking like that. But with all the mixed emotions, I went all out with the drinks. I walked towards the kitchen for some ice and pomagranate juice and I added some of my dad's Svedka that he has on his bar. I kept thinking of everything bad, of everything that made me wanna disappear off the face of the earth. I knew being with Starr was difficult but breaking up was worse. Not because I couldn't let her go, but because SHE couldn't let me go, or anything go actually. It's been extremely hard, to the point where my head is about to pop and burst out blood and chunks of insanity!

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