Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

(Anthony's POV)

"Just keep walking", I repeated to myself under my breath about a million times as I walked further and further away from a statue-like of a fragile beautiful girl. "It's ok, just keep walking", as much as I repeated it on and on inside my head, I was still unable to control my nervousness.

I walk past all the people making their way to their assigned classes. The sun gleaming over but all I can do is stare at my shadow and walk towards my next period classroom.

As I make it to class and take my seat, I take a look around and realize I had no idea how I actually made it here. I wasn't aware of my actions, all I was able to think was about keeping calm and how extremely brave I feel for finally getting the guts to talk to Lora. Well, not much of a talk but I've found it easier to write my thoughts and feelings, rather than speaking face to face.

It's always helped, simply because I don't like standing there feeling awkward and seeing their reaction, specially if its a reaction I wouldn't like to see. One of those that make you feel bad and belittled.

Over all, I'm finally relieved that I wrote the letter, and very much proud that I actually happened to give it to her. Though it took every ounce of me to not tear it up into little pieces, I'm just glad I finally made a move. I now find myself being nervous as to what's next. I think I should go grab my bass guitar and jam with the guys, that should keep me from thinking about this soo much.

(Lora's POV)

"This letter. This note. Whatever the hell it is!!", I say under my tongue. I'm arguing by myself as I sit in the office waiting to be let go. "C'mon, C'mon. Let me go home now...", I trail off as I keep whispering in myself. I look at the letter that's placed on the palm of my hand. It looks soo tempting, I can't help but mentally go nuts. I want to read it, but should I? I mean, right here, right now? I-

"Lora Adams," the attendance lady sticks her head out of her cubicle and points to her desk in order for me to meet her there. "Lora Adams, your mom just called and asked for you to go home, so let me just sign you a release slip and you can make your way.", she gives out a much to big smile, one of those you see on clowns when they're trying to scare you. I quietly sit as she fills out the release sheet and my slip. She has light brown mocha colored skin, very smooth with a bit of a glow, her hair is very short, almost Halle Berry-like. She's an attractive lady, petite and kind but she can have an attitude. I've actually seen her get into an argument with a students' parent, all because the parent didn't have an I.d. to show proof of identification. The good thing is she won her case and she stood her ground, no one messes with her, not after that argument. "You're all set!", her voice a little too loud. She's looking up at me as I get up from my seat and take the slip from her hand.

"Thank you", I smile and I walk away.

(Anthony's POV)

What will she think of me? Is this he right thing for her? She's very different from me, she's the popular, good-life ahead of her, outgoing girl, and I'm this. I'm this type of guy who sits in the back of a building, wanting to get away from all society and just play music where no one is in charge of saying whatever they think I should do. I'm fine with that, I've been fine with it all my life but now, I like this girl, for some reason, she's caught my attention. She's not those preppy, annoying, conceited girls. I want to know her, I feel I can't go another day without it.

(Lora's POV)

Inside my car, its warm and calm but even though the classical amazing Explosions In The Sky music flows all throughout the inside of the car, I can feel my ears hot, and its not one of those times like my gramps says, 'when your ears get hot its because you farted'. I think about my grandpa's silly quotes and I laugh a little to myself, forgetting my nervousness and the sweaty letter I removed from my sweat dripping palm and into my pocket. As I begin to remember about the letter, I shake my head as I've always done, in hopes I'd forget whatever was on my mind. I don't know why I do it, I always tell myself to stop but for some reason shaking my head like I'm saying 'No', makes me feel like as I shake my head, the idea will fall out of my mind and I won't dread about it. Crazy, I know, but its a habit I've had since I was 3 or so. Weird.

I drive and drive, but I don't seem to make it home. "What the fughk am I doing?!", I yell out loud to myself, looking at my rear view mirror to make sure I can make a U turn. "Ooh, Sonic... Slash-Eee!!", I get super happy as I see a Sonic fast food court. As I'm going through the window to pay the cashier for my slushie, I get my phone from my backpack. The dark and slim cell phone has a blinking light so I check to see what it is.. 4 missed calls and 3 texts... naming "mum <3".

"Hey mum-"

"Where the fuck are you Lora?!", she's worried sick, I can notice it over the phone.

"Mum! What the heck! I'm sorry, I was in the bathroom, and then I came to get something to settle my stomach. Are you gonna hate me and yell at me for that? I don't feel good, I'm coming home, I'm alright.", I'm praying that she calls down.

"Ugh, ok. I'm sorry, you just freaked the spirit out of me! I didn't know where you were and how sick you are, ugh, it all worried me."

"Weellllll, I'm ok mum, I'm driving home. Be there soon, k?"

"Well I'm gonna be out, well just come home and then I'll go do what I gotta do, just hurry! Love you, bye.", she clicks off.


"Muuuuuummmamamamamahh!, I'm home!", I walk in with my slushie in one hand and two more in a plastic holder on the other. I walk to my mum's room and my little sisters are there watching The Little Rascals. My little sisters look at me and get excited as they smile wide, my mum rushes towards me and checks my temperature. "Mum! Take this stick out of my armpit!". By that time, my mum had the thermometer under my armpit and had her hand up my back thinking she'd know my temperature that way.

"Lora! Stop it! Stop moving or I'll drop kick you."

"Drop kick me?", I look at her with a funny face and I begin to laugh out loud. "Mum, stop using our quotes."

"Well its your guys' fault, you guys always say dumb stuff around me.". She turns me around, spanks my butt and pushes me towards my room. My little sisters wave goodbye and my mum says, "You're 102.2, you've got a fever, you need to lay down.". I'm surprised but it would make sense as to why I've been sweating like I've been in a sauna room.

My mum and sisters came in and gave me some medicine before they went out. I know my mum mentioned where they were going, I just couldn't remember. I hear the door shut, I hear the car leave, I turn on Explosions in the Sky and listen to the song, "Home". As I sit on my bed, bored and alone, I turn around and see my pants I'd worn to school and exchanged for Long Johns as soon as I got home.

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