Chapter 22

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I'm laying sideways on my window couch, with the thoughts of how mentally ill I seem to be acting lately. Constantly thinking of this guy...ONE guy. Who the hell does he think he is? Ugh! But he's soo cute! My head hurts, I can feel the headache pinch inside the center of my forhead. It hurts soo bad and I can't get rid of it.

I let my head drop down the couch and I soon slump on the floor, hard. "Owwww", I sound off. I'm laying there, feeling extremely dumb and limb, yet I'm just laying there, not moving a muscle.

I hear a soft tap on my door, "Loraaaa, ooh-okay?".

That little voice I've loved since I first heard her cry or sound off 'Lowah', just melts my heart. I look up and see my baby sister Jesse peeking in through the door with one tiny little hand on the door knob. "Ooh okay Loraaa? Why you unn floor?" But before I can answer, she runs off, leaving me laying there with just the sound of her little play heels hitting the floor as she walks off. I hear them echo away, but they stop a bit too soon.

"She here! She here!", that same little voice I love soo much comes ringing in my ears once again.

"Ok, ok." That voice is not my baby sister's anymore, but my little sister's, Michelle.

"Oh my gosh, Lora are you ok?", she runs to me and knees to look at me up close. I'm quiet and look at her, "you're ok. I can tell."

I reach up to the nearest comfortable thing to place under my head as a pillow, I grab her and hug her tight, "I'm ok choo-choo, I'm just thinking." Jesse seems to be happy now, that she knows I'm in no harm. She must've made her way down with Michelle and I cause she was suddenly over us, like a human sandwich. "Aww, thanks guys. I love you two sooooo much!", I squeeze them both now and then they begin to stand on their own, allowing me to sit up.

"Ok guys, I'm gonna get ready to shower. You guys wanna watch t.v. in here?"

Michelle looks at Jesse and asks her, as if she's translating an unknown language I've just spoken. Apparently she responded with a no, though I didn't even understand. "Nah, its ok. We have Finding Nemo on the big screen."

"Hmm, ok. You guys are weird..", I say as Michelle is walking out the door in hands with Jesse.

"You're weirder.." she responds.

" you too sis!"

"Me too!", my cute sisters say in unison. Soo cute!


As I get my stuff out of the restroom and walk to my room, I'm making a mental note that tomorrow I need to write back to Anthony's letter. After trying to ignore it nonstop, I think its finally time to just act like nothing, but knowing that I must answer back. Although I may sound like I'm ok with things, I'm actually pretty nervous, and I know I am because I'm just sitting on my bed with my hair in a bun and my toothbrush in my mouth. I'm dozing off from reality and my thoughts are controlling all. Well, it seems more like my hormones or just maybe my heart.

Bzzzzz...bzzzzzzz.. That's my phone buzzing!

I soon pick it up and its Starr. Oh no!

"Hey, finally you answer. I was beginning to think you were avoiding me."

I'm shocked. I can't believe she's on the phone, I can't believe I answered.

"Heeey, uh...what's ...uh, what's up?", my voice not helping with my awkwardness.

"Are you ok?", she giggles. "I've been missing you, been wanting to hang out. You wanna come out and grab something to eat?"

Oh no! I'm biting my lip, I tend to do that when I'm indecisive. "Uh...I just ate a while ago, but thanks." I don't know if she bought it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2012 ⏰

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