Chapter 11

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I saw him walk away. He never looked back. I felt time go by in slow motion. My friends were

all holding me, patting my back, trying to figure out what had just happened. It was all a blur.

Anthony's friends were all standing up, looking at me, with looks as if they couldn't understand what

had just occurred. They looked confused, my friends too, and all I could do is just see him walk away

any faster I don't think he could've gone. I stood there, seeing him bump into people and never looking back. I was as much stunned as my and Anthony's friends.

"Are you ok?", Karen lifts my chin and smiles. "Cmon, its time to go to class, I'll walk you".

I look around, Anthony's friends look at me and as they look down, they begin to walk away.

I can sense they're still uneasy about what just happened.

I go through dance class in a blink of an eye. I told Mrs. Trainer I wasn't feeling all that great. Before letting me go she calls me to follow her,

"I sense you have trouble in your life right now Adams," she's looking at me trying to see my face while I try to hide it from her, "what seems to be the matter?", she pauses and that wins her a shot glance from me, "Look, you know you're a great dancer, we all know that. Now why do you have such a problem with your gift? Why don't you own it? Don't let others take that away, you can go far!", at that point she's shouting in a way that makes me twitch a bit. She looks at me with sad eyes, " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout but,..just tell me you'll work harder, will you?

At that point I manage to smile, a fake smile but its better than nothing.

"Of coarse, I'll do my best". She pats my back and walks me out with a smile.


I walk away towards my next class. My feet keep moving to a very familiar route. Thoughts and guilt fill up my mind and body. Am I wasting my time and possible future by thinking of this person who doesn't even know me? Who seems to be annoyed by helping me out on a second chance at life..Why? Why should I think soo much of him when just the look at his face should make me never want to cross him by in fear of his actions, or words. I mean, words hurt, and whether I like it or not..I have a tendency of attacking when someone hurts me. It's a gift I do not like at times.

As I get to class, I sit on my regular seat. I wasn't assigned there but being the misfit kinda girl, I did what I wanted. My teacher wasn't too pleased but I wasn't too pleased with her bad breath and I let her know one time she made me help her clean desks one after school day.

I pass through class, just eating skittles and wondering what I should do about my whole "boy" drama. I mean, if you can call it that. I don't think the boy even has me in his memories by now.

Class is over and I have no idea what we have to do for homework. I pack my school book and my skittles into my backpack and call out, "Beckaaaah",

My friend Beckah sits right next to me. She is one of those friends that are always breathing down my back. She looks up to me cause I'm the most fun she's ever had in her life, so she says. I believe her because Beckah is one to by shy and not try anything new, which is totally opposite from me.

"Yes gorgeous?" She pops up next to me as I get up my seat.

"I have no idea what the assignment is, can you text it to me later?", I now have a puppy face on.

"Oh love, of coarse. Ready to go?", she stands out her hand in order for me to take it so we can walk out together.

"Ooh, thanks. Yeah lets get out of here."

We make our way to the front of the school, where everyone says their goodbyes and all.

Beckah is talking to everyone, like usual. Talking about school and music. I'm really not interested right now so when I notice my friend Anita, I walk towards her as she's waving to get my attention.

"Lora! I was looking for you but you were no where.", she pouts.

"Well, I'm here now, what's up?".

"My dad can't pick me up, I was wondering if I can go to your place? Like old times, and maybe my dad can pick me up after work there. I hope I'm not pushy", she smiles.

"No, no. It's ok. Just like old times", I try not to let her see me worried. I'm not in the best happy mood, all I wanna do is go home so I don't see this guy.

"Are you ok?" she looks at me worried.

"Yeah, I'll tell you later, I think I finally need someone to talk to about this before I loose my mind".

She's smiling and I smile right back.


We make it home. I drop Beckah off before anything. As I get home, Anita and I lay in bed, my mum let us know that she will be gone for the afternoon due to missing her sister too much she now needs to visit. I don't mind, more free time for me.

"Spill! Tell me what's wrong. You look soo sad." Anita is playing with my hair by then.

"Oh Anita, there's this boy. Skinny, pale as can be, wears a Exodus shirt with tight skin jeans, and has the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen!", I pretend I'm having a heartattack.

" you know his name?" she looks right into my eyes.

"No, but he hangs out by the end of the 200's hall and OMG! He has been on my mind-",

"Anthony!...his name is Anthony!", she is smiling like never before.

"How do you...? Did you-?", I look weirded out.

"He's my cousin!!", she is smiling like a kid.


Hi guys, please let me know how this story makes you feel. Tell me if you like it or dislike it PLEASE!! <3 Lora.

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