Why the hell am i ? A girl chapter 13

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Heyyyyy so let me explain before I get into this chapter . So they we're fighting a villain and then the villain spreads some gas around the whole class and swap their gender into the opposite sex and there is no cure so hopefully they have to wait it out. 👧/👦
After I did  their makeup and nails and hair. Mic called us down and I think I'm ready to say it to mic and Aizawa, we walked downstairs and they all sat on the couch " everyone I have to say something " I said trying build up my confidence like every part of me is telling me that I shouldn't " what is it Eri?" Mic asked and the I looked at katsuki for help " oh i think I what it's about " he said " you can do it Eri " he mumbled so I can here " I think I'm ready to call y'all my parents " I said " wait like little your going to call us papa and dad " I nodded.
Aizawa picked me up and smiled and I real actually fully smiled because I knew I felt at peace here.

Two months later-
Katsuki pov:
I woke up like any normal person and then I felt to big things on my chest and I kinda panic like I got up and screamed why the fuck am I a girl??
I told myself to calm down because I'm not going back to old Katsuki. I went to my bathroom got my shit together and then I went downstairs to talk to dad and papa about this " Dad I need help " even my voice sounded feminine like the fuck " yea your a girl I know it's been happening to everyone in our class " I looked up to see dad drinking his coffee calmly and I'm over here low key panicking.
I went to my phone and check the the best class 1-A group chat

Off-brand Pikachu ⚡️: y'all is it just me or I'm a girl

Shittyhair💪: nope bro I'm girl too

Raccoon eyes💅: I'm a guy

Ponytail💵: me too but we have to think about this smartly

Ponytail girl💵: like for all the guys who turned into a girl come to school and I will give y'all a bra.  

Me💥: I need a bra and I'm coming to school now like I did not sign up to be a girl

Ears🎶🎧: not like us girls signed up either and I'm going to enjoy being a girl

Nerd 🥦: um, I think I'm dying guys I'm bleeding

Shoto🧊🔥: your not bleeding Midoriya your on your period

Nerd🥦: what's that??

Raccoon eyes💅: it's when your blood comes out of you once a month and your hormones are wack

Pink cheeks💵❌: hey guys why am I a guy

Me💥: I think i figured it out remember when we were attacking that villain and they the gas hit us i think that turned us to the opposite sex

Robot boi 🤖: does make sense

Dad🥱😴: ok little problem children we figured it out now get off the chat and go to school or text in another chat we're I'm not in it

I got off the chat and I went to the car and Eri was just amazed how I'm a girl.

When got to the school I saw Todoroki and I just hugged him well her and I was so happy because Todoroki is the only person that can calm me down well, eyebags could but mostly Todoroki. " Wow, did you get that bra yet, Katsuki?" " no where Momo" I asked Todoroki and I held hands walked in.

" oh get Bakugo your here, here's your bra " Momo handed it to me and I went to the boys bathroom like always and I went to my favorite traumatized stall and put on the bra it was uncomfortable at first but now it's bearable. We walked out of the bathroom to the classroom.

" Bakubae you look so pretty and I love your long hair " Mina said hugging me " LET GO raccoon eyes" I yelled " never" she laughs and then the whole squad is hugging me " hey Bakugo can we talk" the frog bitch asked and if that means get out of this hug I will.

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