Shoto, talk to me... Chapter 18

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So last chapter... 😭 should I make another Book for the series?
This is it guys

Now shoto...

I really am just a coward. I can't even talk to my boyfriend who I would literally give my heart to.

It's been two weeks and of course the rumors at the school died down but Shoto keeps avoiding me.

So last night I was on a very long call with Dabi and one he finally let me call himToya. Yes! And two he would help me talk to Shoto.

So the plan was to meet at our original place and that was the park and I was so nervous I hid
in the damn trees.


I know.

It's been 1 and half hour and I finally saw them walking to the park  " come on bro let's talk" Toya said " no it's fine" Shoto said.
" Well fine I'm going back " Toya said, leaving Shoto there.
" Shoto... I know that you must be feeling disgusted or mad or I don't know but if you want to break up I get but I just wanna talk " I  said coming from the tree.
" I don't want to break up it's ... my fault like when I broke up with you, did I cause you to hurt yourself? " Shoto asked, sounding like he's about to cry " Shoto, it's not your fault I've been doing this since my mother was put in jail like years ago.

Nothing is your fault and i'm sorry just sorry" I walked closer to him.

He walked over to me and hugged me and cried and to be honest I think this is the most I saw him cry and i'm the main cry baby in this relationship.

A year later...

So me and todoroki going hard still we in our 2 year of highschool and everything been good and i had no problems until Eyebags and Denki broke up like Denki was cheating on my BROTHER!! Like the fuck and it was with monoma like who would EVER in there right or wrong minds date him!

Eyebags is a mess like just a mess and Denki is saying nothing giving me no answers. I tried being so nice but oh lord so help me today is the day  i'm getting the answer.

During lunch I asked Denki to me in the classroom " Bakugo what do you want ?" he asked " why did you cheat on him ya'll was together before me and Shoto like what the fuck" i looked at him. That was an understatment i glared at him shooting little knifes at him ( it's a metaphor if i'm right :D)

" Bakugo we been over this I don't love him and I was saving his feeling that's why I was staying with him so long " .
I got mad right there in then I blast him causing him to be throw to a wall. And i was just shaking wj=hile everyone was coming to see what happened " WHY !WHY DID YOU BREAK HIS HEART ?WHY LIE ? " I KEPT SHAKING HIM UNTIL people dragged me away from him.

I got suspended for a week and of course dad and papa was mad but not for long because I fought for a good reason.
Later in my room reading a book but also working on my homework at my desk. I heard a knock and eyebags came into my room and closed the door.

" Kat you didn't have to fight like i'm old enough to take care of my relationship problems, " he said sitting down on my bed. " Then take care of it like your acting pathetic and weak being here crying about something that could be saved and don't you want answers but your sitting here telling me how to do  my job as your big brother ".

" You have no right to tell me how to handle my feelings like you were in my same place but I wasn't some freak who cut themselves to feel better !" he said then he realize what he said and it did hurt a little but it's fine.

" Alright ok it's fine I know you didn't mean but I don't want you to be me and at least you have me to understand and you're not alone like me" I said in response.

" I'll stop being in your business until you ask question yourself but until I will fight and I will be in your business. I have your back just like you had mine" I said.

He was quiet and closed the door. I sigh and continue on my homework.
Next Week was different... I walked to school and I was walking to go into the classroom early like usual and then I heard Denki and Monoma talking and it didn't sound like some lovey shit it's more like ' give my money bitch' conversation.

" DON'T TELL ME WHEN YOU'RE OUT !! I SAY WHEN YOUR OUT AND YOUR NOT OUT" I HEARD Monoma yelled but like a whisper and then I heard a slap so I'm guessing Denki didn't want to break up with Eyebags I knew and he's being forced to be with Monoma but why?

" Now you're going to be my little slave or else I will expose everything about your poor little boyfriend he's brother "  Now I get it it's blackmail... well I guess I'm getting expelled.

I got in there and I punched the SHIT! Out of Monoma which I have been meaning since I got to UA. and I kept beating him over and over until a teacher got me away from him. And of course me and Denki end up  in the principal's office and I was smiling but sadly he called both of our partners in the office.

" Now Bakugo, why would you beat Monoma up like that even after you just fought Kamiari like last week? " He asked.

" I beat him up because when I was about to go in the classroom I overheard Monoma conversation with Denki and he was blackmailing Denki to be his slave and if he didn't Monoma was going to expose me and Shinso " I said with a straight face.

" Now kamiari is that true?''  and I could see he was really debating on whether to tell the truth. He gave the principal his phone showing a video and when he played it shock us all.

" Come in here you shit you're not going to text me you're out!

DON'T TELL ME WHEN YOU'RE OUT !! I SAY WHEN YOUR OUT AND YOUR NOT OUT!!! * slaps* Now you're going to be my little slave or else I will expose everything about your poor little boyfriend and his brother" and then that was it.

So Few days ... I wasn't expelled like thank god and Monoma was and now After I explained the situation to Eyebags he was able to get back together with Denki.

This book is finally done

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