Chapter 4

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I  walked for a while. I went into a store, a girly store. I acted as if I was looking around, I pretty much looked like a girl with my hair down.

I left that store with a group of teen girls, probably a little younger than me. I spotted a security guard to the corner of the mall. I lowered my head even farther as I walked past him.

Shit! He noticed me. He got on his radio saying something. Quietly presutting after me. I walked into a bigger crowed. I new how to lose people in a car chase, but this wasn't a car chase.

I turns some random corner. There were a lot of people waiting for a store to open. I turned my head around. There was no one behind me. When running from the police you never want to turn your head around. They will know you noticed them and chose to run from then. That's why you only glanced behind.

I almost ran into someone. "Watch where your going!" She snapped. He twin didn't sound much of a threat. "Aren't you going to apologize?!" She asked, stomping towards me.

I really didn't need her to make a seen. I kept walking, ignoring her shouting at me. I glanced back one more time. Three cops had showed up.

That's when a tingling sensation went up my spin. I don't remember what happens next, but I know I hit the floor hard.


I woke up in the police station. "Great." I mumbled to my self. Mark stood in front of me. "What have you been up to this fine morning?" I asked, trying to sound innocent.

"Not in the mood, Keiran." He said, his town cold. I sat there, quietly. Mark pulled up a chair, I slide my hands in to my pocket. "Keiran I've got some bad news." I glanced up at him. He seamed worried for some reason. "Your dads dead. We found him a few hours ago. We couldn't find you so the whole department was out looking for you." So that wast this is all about. They found my abusive father and went looking for me.

Mark took a deep breath. "Your brothers have taken full custody of you." That's when my head snapped up. I for sure thought I snap my neck. "My what?!" I asked, making sure I didn't hear something else. "Your brothers. They live in the United States. They all ready paid for a flight."

I could hear the sadness in his voice. Did he not want me to leave, "well fuck that. I'm staying. Someone has to keep you on your toes." I said, leaning back in my chair, with a proud smile. Mark smiled lightly. "I wish it worked like that but there your family. You have to go and gone with your family." Mark smiled. He really wanted me to leave my home, the place where I grew up and have all my best memories to some random constants with a bunch of people I don't know who are surprisingly my brothers?!! They have lost there minds.

"I'll make a deal with you. If you and your police pals can catch me in twenty four hours, I'll go to the United States." I said, a proud grin on my face. "There is no way I can say no is there?" Mark leaned back in his chair. "Nope!" I said, poping the P.

I stood up. "Everyone listen!" I shouted. Everyone turned towards me. "You all have twenty four hours to catch me. If you do I'll be leaving for the United States, if not. Your dealing with my ass for the test of your lives." I shouted. I could see them look at each other. "It starts now!" I sprinted to the front door.

They all chased after me. The one thing about police is you can product there movies, if you know them well enough. Some will get in there crossers, others on foot, and a few in helicopters.

I leaped over a fence. This was going to be the best chase I have ever had.

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