Chapter 12

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I was up before everyone else. Well everyone except for Savadhishthana. He had gotten my school stuff together. I thought about getting something for breakfast, but I desired not to. I sat on the couch, my phone on the table. I never used it. My camera app was completely clear, I only had my brothers numbers.

Around seven everyone was hurrying down stairs, expeshily Vishuddha. They each grabbed something small for breakfast. I followed Manipura to his car. I sat in the back quietly.

*time skip*

The school was a lot bigger than I had thought. We had to wear uniforms, which I hated. I've always went to a public school. The only reason for that is because my father didn't want to pay the bill for school so to government gave me a free pass.

I walked through the halls. My brothers had dispersed to there friends. I was in my own to find the office. I eventually was given directions.

I sat in the chair across the head master of the school. I kept fidgeting with my hands, keeping my anxiety down some what.

"You school back in London had a lot to say about you. Your very crafty when you want to be. Your skilled in mathematics. Your history score was a little low but we will help you with that. You not much of a talker or like working in groups. And your a Tandro." I didn't know much about my last name, but people gave me looks, so it wasn't a good thing.

I looked over my sgedual.  My first class was ELA. I headed to the class room. The teacher looked at me with a bright smile. "You must be Keiran. You can sit right there." She pointed to an empty seat in the third row. I took my seat and instantly regretted it.

"So your Keiran Tandro. They just had to have another one of you." I blinked repeatedly. I had no idea what she was talking about. "Let's get this straight! I run this school, don't even try and cross me. I'll have my brothers friends beat you up." She growled. I lowers my head, trying to make myself as small as possible.

The whole class period she kept talking about how rich her family was. All I wanted to do was finger out what they were talking about. It was hard to hear the teacher over her blabbering. By the end of class I was able to figure out a little bit, but I needed a history book.

The library was humongous. It was probably bigger than the library at my old school. I looked around first before heading to the front desk. I taped the little bell and some old woman poked her head out from a stack of books.

"You must be the young Tarndo." She said happily. I really didn't like my last name. It almost sounded like tornado. "That would be me. I'm here to get my history text book." The librarian walked over to a different desk. She scrambled through different school books. "Here you go." She said placing down a somewhat large book. "Thank you." I said, picking it up. I felt my arms flinch from the pain.

"Your free to cheek out as many book as you like. Just make sure to return them before the end of the school year." She said. I nodded my head before I walked out of the library. The halls were clear and empty. The first time I had heard complete silence all day.

I headed towards the cafeteria. As soon as I got remotely close I heard shouting and screaming. I groaned internally, not really wanting to deal with this. I found a table towards the back that was empty. I watched as everyone went up into the lunch line to get food.

It was peaceful for a little while, that was until the one girl from my English class stormed up to me with her friends. Looked up at them. She slammed down a folder in front of me. "Make sure it's done by tomorrow morning. And don't even try to put down the wrong answers." I blinked repeatedly. I didn't even know her name and she was giving me orders.

"Could I get your name?" I asked, politely. "Briana Trout." She said it as if I new who she was. "I'm sorry but I can't do your homework for you, Briana." I said, standing up from my table. "She said you will do her homework, so do it!" One of the blond girls said standing next to Briana. "It's not my responsibility to do things for other people." I said, about to leave. "Do you know who I am!" She shouted. "No. I don't know who anyone is." I replied back, in the calmest town yet.

*time skip*

I was heading to the library before my brothers came and found me. I wanted to get at least one interesting book to read. I scavenged around  for a while, till I found something about snow leopards. Of course me being be and clinging to anything soft I instantly too the book.

I had read the first few pages as I was walking out of school. I was so focused in my book that I ran right into someone. "Sorry, I wasn't paying any attention." I was apologizing, but I was the one on the ground. "Here." They reached there hand out. I realized it was Ajna. He helped my up and picked up my book.

"Snow leopards." He looked at me. I lowers my head. I was probably the only one who found them interesting. I doubt anyone would think meat eating cats would be adorable. "Not my problem." Ajna said, turning away. I blinked a few times puzzled, but followed after him.

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