Chapter 6

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I turned the corner. I blended in with the dark alley way. I listen as the police got closer. I could here them talking about me. They really wanted to get ride of me that badly.

I waited till all of them had passed. Theta when I took a sharp corner trying to leave. "Ah!" I lightly grounded. What the hell did I run into? I looked up to see a tall man wearing a suit. He had dark brown eyes, long black hair that went to his shoulders.

"Sorry. I didn't see you there." I said, with a gentle smile. He glared at me. Who ever this was I might of just gotten on there bad side. "Sorry again, I have to get going." I said, trying to walk around him.

He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me with him. He's strong that's for sure. When he pulled me closer to him I whimpered, he was griping onto my arm to tight.

"Would you let go!!" I hissed at him. "Not until you are safe back home." He said, dragging me to the police station. We were no where near it, but I knew every rout you could take to get there. "This is my home, would you let go!!" I snapped as he pushed me inside the building.

Mark, the chief and the second hand were both here. I flared up at the man. "I will be taking her."

"Him." I cutted him off. Why dose everyone thing I'm a girl? "I will be taking him back to the United States. That is final." He said, his town sounded a little annoyed.

"I am not going anywhere with you!" I snapped, escaping from his grip. He was a lot faster than me. He grabbed me by my hoodie and pulled me back to him. "You do not have a choice." He said.

He had a strong grip on my hoodie as he walked me to his car. It was a nice car, that's when I released it was a rental. He really was from the United States. You could also tell by his ascent. He tossed me into the passenger seat. He got in the driver seat.

The drive was quiet. "Shouldn't we stop by my house to get my stuff first?" I asked, glancing over at him. "I all ready did that." I grounded deeply in my through. That would of been my one chance to get out of here. I leaned back in the seat, looking up at the sky.

"Keiran is it?" He finally said after three hours of silence. "Ya, what about it?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. "Do you know what it means?" He asked, his eyes still glued on the road. "Ya, means trail." I replied. My name meant trail, it was a dumb meaning to a name like that.

"In French it means home." I lowers my head. Home, I didn't even know if I still had one. One that I wanted. The car slowly came to a stop. "Don't even try to run." He said as we got out of the car. He grabbed my bags from the trunk. I didn't have much things that were important to me. I walked beside him as we entered the airport. We payed for are tickets and headed to the gates.

I could feel my heart sag. I've never left London before. Please this was all I knew, it was my home. The crazy people, the queens guards who were surprisingly nice to me. I was leaving that all behind just so I could go find some guys who are my brothers that I didn't even knew existed.

I sat down in one of the chairs. I could see the plain getting fuled up: I turned my head away from the window. Instead I focused on the lose string of my shirt. I couldn't even try to leave. That man was always watching me. "Flight seventy three to the United States is now boarding." The announcement said. I got up from my chair.

I walked to the front gate with the guy who I didn't even know his name. We handed the guy at the front desk are tickets. They were a one way only. The guy noticed my expression. "It's not as bad as you think it is." He said. I had no clue what he was talking about. I had never been on a plane, or to a different continent. I took my seat by the window. I was blocked from the aile by the weird body guard that followed me everywhere.

I looked around. We were in first class. Why the hell were we in first class? I don't have the money to pay for things like this. The plain took off. I kept the window shut.

When the seatbelt sign turned off, I kept mine on. I could feel myself shaking. I might have a fear of flying. I looked at the magazine that was in the front pocket. It was the only thing I could keep my mind off everything. I tried to breath, but it felt like my lungs were collapsing.

I don't know how many times I read the magazine, but I was starting to remember ever word. "Put that away." The guy said, taking the magazine from me. I opens the window slightly. The sun was starting to set. We weren't even half way there yet. I pulled a string off my shirt and started to mess with it.

I looked around. Everyone was talking to someone, or on there phone, or asleep. I pulled my hoodie on all the way over my face. I let the darkness swallow me whole. For a while it was calming. There was no noise, no people. It felt safe. "What are you doing?" The bright light of the plane hit my eyes. "Would you just leave me alone, no name!" I hissed at him.

He looked at me confused. "I don't know your fucking name, that's why." He turns his head back towards the seat in front of him. This guy is really starting to piss me off. What is his deal anyways?


A few houses went by. The lights have been switched off. It was dark outside. I opens the window. The stars sparkling through the night sky. Looking into the abuse of nothingness was somehow calming to me. I leaned my head agents the wall, my eyes slowly started to get heavy till everything was dark.

About six hours later I was greeted by the sun. I instantly closed the window. What is with the sun always torturing me int the mornings. "It is seven Thierry five stander time." The captain said. IT WAS SEVEN!! Back in London it was like ten at night. Of course, how could I forget. The United States is a day behind us. I guess taking that world class was actually worth something.

We were on the plain for a few more hours before it landed. It took forever to get off the plain. As soon as we got in the lobby the sun greeted me again. I pulled my hoodie over my face. I all ready hated the United States. We got are bags.

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