1. Earth

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I was at home eating some soup. I was a child of witchcraft while my parents were.. well, my mom was usually in the house around the afternoon, a pretty bad workaholic. My dad, however, was not there at all. As many of us we would say.

My dad went to go get the milk.

It was around the morning, and I wasn't feeling well. So I was at my desk and eating soup for myself. My desk was clean on one side, but with a bunch of paper and pencils on the other side. One of them had a pentagram drawn with a red marker.

I had a thing for black magic in general. Anything that seemed abnormal with magic always caught my eye.

I took the paper in hopes of it stopping my sickness faster. I then stood up and walked downstairs into the kitchen. I looked inside the drawers, grabbing a spoon and medicine, taking some of the medicine into my mouth.

"Ugh.. why does the medicine always taste so expired...? Whatever, I'll just make myself a fruit salad.." I said, walking over to the sink and washing my hand before touching anything else. Grabbing a knife and a few different fruits. While the paper pentagram was sitting on the corner, I began cutting the fruit.

Once I got to cutting the bananas, I heard some ringing from my phone, my non dominant hand accidentally moved towards the blade and slightly cutting myself. "OW fucking fiddle sticks!" placing my knife on the pentagram. I pulled the paper away from my knife and went to the sink and washed my hand.

But what I didn't know was that when I turned around, I saw a small figure standing on the pentagram.

"Couldn't you have made the pentagram a bit bigger?" It said a little mad. I looked at the figure. It almost looked like a doll. Maybe I'm hallucinating one of my old dolls... but he was not like one I ever saw. His skin was white as snow and read circles on his cheeks. He was wearing a white top hat with a small snake wrapped around. And one of those butler looking suits but white and light red.

"Could you set me down on the ground so we can get to business?" He said, annoyed.

'It talks..' I nodded in silence and held out my hand to him, letting him crawl onto my palm and down onto the floor. He used his small hand to do a shoo motion as I backed up. Then, in a moment, he grew... he was around 6'3. "Finally... anyways dear.. what do you desire?" I was shocked looking up at him.

"W-what? I don't understand..." I continued to stare into his eyes. He had a wide smile as he slightly became annoyed. "That small ass pentagram you made over on your counter. It collected your blood, and now you have to make a deal with me." As he explained while spinning his cane in the air. However, I became concerned.

"Why do I have too though..? I don't want anything.." I spoke with a scratched voice. The man became extremely annoyed.

"Then why did you make a pentagram and place your blood on it?" He slightly walked closer, looking at eye level with me. Trying to assert dominance, he grinned even more, but then backed away from how sick I was.

"I made a pentagram for healing, and I accidentally cut my finger with a knife while making a fruit salad... can you please just go..?" I didn't know who he was, and I didn't want to get on his nerves. 'I didn't know what this creature was capable of.'

"Ma'am as MUCH as I would like to leave, I am not able to leave your side for too long until you made a deal with me. And dont call me a creature." He stood straight back up and twirled a cane with an apple on top. I stepped back, 'did he read my mind..?'

"Yes, i did." He said bluntly

"Well... Is there like a way to reverse it? I.. I don't want anything.."

He stared into my eyes.. I think he was beginning to feel my fear. "Dear, just make a simple deal with me. You may ask for money, love, and good luck for your whole life. All you have to do is say it and shake my hand."

He said as he pulled out his hand for a handshake. Many people make a mistake when it comes to a similar situation. I then turned around and began coughing.

Remembering I was still sick. "Or maybe having no sickness for the rest of your life?" Lucifer became disgusted and pulled away his hand from you. Wiping his hand on his shirt.

"Please just leave.. I can't think right now.." I pleaded while he groaned as flames took over his body. And with a blink of an eye...

He disappeared.

I tried to forget anything that happened as I bagan to clean up the kitchen. I tore up the paper pentagram, crumbled it, and then put it in the trash. I then went back into my room and began eating a little bit of fruit salad I made not too long ago.

About a day passed, and I took my chances not to tell my mom what happened. She didn't even talk to me last night, so there wasn't a need to. I did the same thing I did yesterday but without the pentagram.

When I went into my room, I saw the same guy I had met the other day. "Have you made up your mind yet?" He had the same features as last time. Checking his claws nails while leaning against the wall.

"I don't want to make a deal. Just leave me alone.. that's all I want." His smile fades as he looks at me with a tired expression.

"I can't do that. You either have to make a deal with me, or you are magically sent to heaven." I didn't want to answer as I began eating the food I made for myself. "I have an impatient wife to stay with, make up your damn mind, woman!" He slightly yelled.

I shivered as I felt my heart race and the temperature of the room changing. "For my fucking sake, I don't want to make a deal with a random man who could possibly kill me if I agree! And I don't want to risk my fucking life yet okay?!"

I yelled back in fear. "And if you're trying to go back to your wife, do so and tell her what's going on so she can fucking understand the damn situation bitch!" The man became annoyed as a nearby vase cracks nearby him and gets thrown on the ground. "Do you have any idea on who you're talking too miss?"

"You're talking to the king of hell. Lucifer, so if I were you, I would switch that voice of tone of yours before I snap your neck!" He yelled out. His nails extended to a more sharper claw. My heart jumped over a beat as my body began to tremble once again.

"Sorry, but just please go do what I requested.. I'm not in the best condition.." Lucifer groaned and disappeared in a red smoke again.  Knowing it was probably the best choice right now. Thankfully, I was calmer than many he had encountered.

Lucifer's pov.

I teleported back into my palace with my wife waiting for me on the couch. "What took you so long?" She said as I placed my hat onto the table and sat next to her. "A female mortal is refusing to make a deal that she accidentally started, and now I have to check up on her until she decides or dies."

I said angrily as I began to lean onto Lilith's shoulders. I felt her arms comforting me. But like always, she never gave the same affection she used to.

"Maybe become friends with her?" I was shocked to hear that from my wife as I pulled away from her. "Honey, it's clear she doesn't want to make a deal. Besides, you do need to have a little bit of friends. You're always trapped inside here." Lilith spoke.

"And you want me to be friends with a living mortal until she dies, Lilith?" I tried not to yell at her, but I gave a lot of sass and annoyance.

"I don't know, sweetheart. It's just a suggestion. I don't mind having you schedule a playdate with her. As long as you stay mine." She gave me a glare that used to make my heart race. Nodding, I stood up and went to my kitchen to make something for myself and my beautiful wife to eat.

...am I really going to be friends with a mortal? I growled and gripped my arms tightly at the thought.

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