13. Duckling birthday party 2

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Y/ns pov

Lucifer has been on edge more lately... Maybe he's being silly. I smiled as I hugged a squishmellow with the looks of a duck!

*Poof, omg, magic slay, period, jkjkjk*

I then heard a knocking at my balcony door..? What the- I stood up and opened it.

"Hi there, miss! Nice to meet you, did you like my present?" Said a strange man.

"Uhm.... Who are you...?" I slightly backed up.

"Adam! I'm your guard- new neighbor in the neighborhood!" He said with a slight chuckle. "Yeah... No..." I then slammed my doors closed shut.

Lucifer then popped out of no where, "who were you talking to?" I shrugged, "I forgot his name already."

"Anyways come come!" Lucifer rushed me through another God damn portal once more. I ended up inside a mansion looking home painted in all red and angel engravings.

It was too dark to see everything until Lucifer turned on the lights... "Surprise, my beautiful swan~" Lucifer said with a smile.

Confetti then flew into the sky, it was a mix of swan and duck decorations. But he was also thoughtful enough to give me my favorite outfit to go along with the party.

I smiled as he did a twirl on me as a onesie of a swan pajama went onto my body. "Woah!"

"I wanted you to be comfortable and truly happy for your special day... I hope it's not to little or not what you wanted.. I kinda want to spend a movie night with you.." Lucifer said slightly nervously.

"I-" I was caught off, "I even have a duck onesie to go along, see!" He said as the duck onesie magically appeared on his body.

I chuckled and held your little onesie wings (hands) "it's going to be the best birthday, I know it's Lucifer. And you're so fucking adorable."

I smiled and kissed his cheek-

'Wait wait wait, I did what?'

I immediately blushed and then ran through the room and went to da CORNER!!! 'shit shit shit, I fucked up, I fucked up!' 

Covering my red face, my heart was racing as I smiled like a fucking idiot. Fiddling with my onesies random fins for my arms and hands.

"Darling! You silly swan!" Lucifer was laughing a bit and hugged me from behind. "Swans aren't supposed to leave their loved ones! They want to be with them every single second!"

Lucifer then pecked my cheek as well as I blushed really deeply. "Come on sweetheart! Stop being embarrassed about your feelings with me and let's do something fun!" He then picked me up and held me in his arms. As weak as he seems... He's really strong.

"Oh my Lord, you know what we can do that I haven't been able to do for the longest while?? A pillow fort with a movie, snacks, and our blankets!" I fidget with my fins happily.

"Alright, no food right now." He smiled and tapped the table as every single plate of food was covered. "Could you put me down though?" I pout slightly.

He nodded while I got back in my two feet, "let's go! Lead the way, I want to make our movie night fort!" I pulled Lucifer's arm gently. "Wrong way, dear."

"Oops." I then walked with luci in our little onesies to the living room, grabbing a lot of pillows. Making the biggest pillow fort I have ever made.

We decided to watch some Harry Potter because why not? Lying myself against Lucifer.Lucifer wrapped his arm around.

"So uhm... lucifer..?" I asked nervously. He hummed and looked at me with a smile. 'Shit.. how do I ask?' I was really anxious. "Say want you want to say sweetheart, even though I might know what you want to ask." Lucifer chuckles softly.

He then ran his fingers through my hair to comfort me. "So like... I like you, and you probably already know this.. and I know I just turned 18 and all.. but I just wanted to know, but y-you don't have to-" Lucifer then gently modified my head to look towards him.

"Y/n.. I love you, calm yourself, okay?" He then kisses my forehead and caresses my cheek.

"I.. I love you too, Lucifer.." I smiled happily in love. I if I was standing right now, I'd be jumping all over the fucking place.

Yay, you're a couple now 🤭🤭

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