10. slice of a loving pie

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Lucifer's pov:

'I have been ruling hell for so long by myself now... as much as I hate y/n... why do I seem so attached...?'

'These are feelings I've felt when I was... with Lilith that day I met her...'

I gripped onto my paperwork as I zoned out, drinking some coffee.

Then, a little demon tapped my shoulder. I looked at him with a sharp glare.

"S-sorry sir... b-but you seemed o-out of focus and y-you are c-crumbling your work, y-your majesty..." The little said with a nervous tone.

"Right.... do me a favor... bring Stolas here immediately. I have questions for him." The imp immediately left to grab the royal.

I sighed from how tired I was. "I wish I could... fucking sleep in this SHIT HOLE!" I threw my cup on the ground as I became annoyed. My eyes turned red from anger, and I burned the paperwork as soon as I turned around and snapped my fingers.

"Hey Lucifer," it... sounded like y/n.. in her happy voice.. I turned around and calmed down.

I looked around the room in case she was here pranking me... but there was nothing...

God's pov:

'So.. it's becoming true. For once... my creations are doing what they're meant to do.'

Y/ns pov:

I was busy on paperwork when I felt a hug. It was sharp claws and tall, I didn't even need to look behind me to know who it is.

"Hey Lucifer." I said with a soft smile... I got no reply.

"Don't want to talk today?" I slightly chuckles as he slightly massages my shoulders. Go lie down on my bed, I'll make you some dessert?" I look back at him.

He nodded and groaned from how tired he was. "Don't worry, I got an apple pie almost ready in the oven." He nodded and went to lie down on my bed.

After 5 minutes, he was half conscious, and the pie was ready. I came inside the room as he immediately sat up. He looked at me weirdly... it was like a loving expression, but not really.

"Thank you, darling.." He says as he holds out his hands. I smirked and pulled the plate away from you, yet leaned closer to you. "Nuh, uh~ this one is mine." I chuckled as he groans.

I was eating my pie next to him since he didn't want to move and grab himself one. As I was about to put the spoon to my mouth, Lucifer immediately took the bite.

"I put my mouth on that.." I said with a slight blush. "I don't care. If I want something, I will get it.." He said.

I then looked in his eyes with a slight angry intent, but it soon faded away. For some odd reason, it was inviting and even loving.

He must have felt the same or something since he looked at me the same.

"I think I should leave-" he pulled my head closer to him.

"Why? My main dessert is right here in my hands~"

I immediately pulled away and blushed hard since I was NOT expecting or used to that. "F-fine, take your pie!" I gave you my plate, and I hid under my bed covers.

Why did I want more..?

Dead Rose (Lucifer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now