17. Too early..

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Y/ns pov

I was walking down the street at night with Lucifer. He was in his human form again, and for some odd reason, we heard police sirens.

"Police! Put your hands up!" I quickly put my hands up along with Lucifer. "Ma'am, we need you coming with us right now." Said the police officer. I kept my hands raised and looked at lucifer for a second.

The police officer seemed like he wanted to get over with something.. "w-what the?!" He pulled me harshly, putting my hands behind my back. "Hey! What the fuck?! What is this for?!"

Lucifer seemed mad as hell. But he knew to calm down because there a chance if he kills him right now, I would be considered a killer since I was the only one near him.

"Stop resisting an officer, criminal!" He got out handcuffs until a hand was on the guys shoulder. "Don't touch me!-"

I heard a thud as I was released, "lucifer..?" He seemed to have forcibly pushed the police officer down. 'Lucifer you dumb fuck.. there's shitty officers here.. that would be considered assault to both of us because of this man's possible pettiness!'

Lucifer then teleported us home. Kissing my cheek with sorrow. "I'm sorry, love... are you okay..?" He then held my arms gently, checking for any injuries the man could've done to me.

"I'm fine.. but I'm fucked, you do realize this? I.. I'm going to be seen as a criminal for no reason!" I started to pace back and forth.

He just grabbed me out of nowhere! "Im.. scared.." Lucifer looked at me sadly, hugging me and kissing my forehead. "My sweet apple... you're going to be fine.. you have me.. remember?"

He held my hand and rubbed his thumb against it. Of course, I was still in doubt. I knew how shitty people could be..

A month later

I was walking around town with Lucifer again.. but I then see people gasping and running away from us. I shrugged and continued walking with lucifer. Lucifer then stopped me, "there's a paper that shows your face and name, my love.." he grabbed the paper from the tree and showed it to me.

'Wanted for assault and.. A MURDERER?!' I looked at you with shocked eyes. "I haven't done anything!" Lucifer bit his lip nervously, looking around until he heard sirens once again. "We're going home. Now."

I held onto him as we teleported back home. "What the fuck did I do to be considered wanted?! I did nothing!"

"You didn't do anything.. but you were right from the beginning I had met you... society changed so much in just a decade..."

We heard a knock as my mother went to get it. The police were there already?!

"Ma'am, is your daughter home?" She nods, "honey! There's a police man for you!"

My eyes widen, "MOM!" I pulled her away, closed, and locked the door. Lucifer was scared for us. He didn't want to create us guilty for life for something we didn't do.

Michael's pov

'Ugh.. tired of this dang work...' My room then glowed red- "Y/n?" He immediately stood up and looked through a small portal, seeing our situation. He made the portal bigger and walked through. It seems like Azrael was called in as well.

"You being here for this is not a good sign..." I commented, Azrael nodded. Lucifer walked up to his brothers, "what are you two doing here?"

I pointed at y/n, struggling to keep the door shut. "She's our problem too, you know."

"Can you guys stop standing around and help me out here?!" Y/n yelled, Azrael sighed and helped close the door. "Lucifer, ger her and her mother to the best hiding space here." Once they all left, I signaled Azrael to open the door.

Seems like he called back up...

"Hands up! Where's the girl?!" Azrael smirked, "like I'd say anything to you!" He teleported towards the guy and kicked him on his stomach. He flew back as people nearby were shocked. The first time we were allowed down here was to cause trouble. Not bad.

Y/ns pov

"Lucifer.. who were they?" I followed Lucifer into the attic with my mom. "No fuck that question, what os going on with you two?!" My mom rose her voice. "Shush ma!.. I'm being falsely accused of murder and assault.."

She then quieted down, knowing we might be fucked. I was shaking, I hid with both of you and holding onto the both of you. Beginning to tear up.

Lucifer softly kissed my head. "We're going to be fine, love.." My mom rubbed my back in reassurance.

It's been a few minutes now, and everything calmed down. One of the two people who looks like lucifer came up. "Everything has been taken care of. It's safe to come back down."

We all came down and saw many bodies. Lucifer helped my look at only him since he knew I was sensitive to seeing any type of REAL blood.

"Shit.. we have a problem.." Azrael spoke out, his scythe was glowing red. "The girl and / or her mom is dying today." My breath hitched as I gripped Lucifer tightly, trying my best not to cry after hearing that.

We all hear a gunshot from a police man who still has some life in him. Before finally dropping dead..


My mom gasped for air.. she was a few inches away from me.. blood coming from her throat!

"MOM!" I pushed Lucifer away and rushed to her and held her.. she tried to hold me. "MOM, PLEASE!" her body went limb... her body and my mind collapse to the floor. I was balling my eyes out seeing her blood leak and creating a blood puddle. "Mom.. please.. not you..." I cried onto her shirt. Gripping it tightly.

"Please... not you.."

Quick note while I'm tearing up and listening to sad songs ;v;
This story's y/n is slightly related to me in general, and no not all of it lol, so if you haven't figured out from previous chapters ago, y/n aka I have thanatophobia, meaning I have a fear of death of myself or a loved one.

However, for my case, it's losing everything I love after death, and I'm too scared to "go" somewhere I don't know after it. And as an atheist who doesn't exactly believe in heaven or hell, that makes it worse. ;^;

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