5. a glimpse of hell

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Yn's pov

It's been a few weeks since I met lucifer. We've been slowly becoming friends. Aside from all of the death threats I get from him joke or not, he's been decently nice. He still won't open up about his past, and I'm really curious. I mean, I understand privacy is important, but my curiosity is always there.

I've been making dinner. It's just spaghetti and meatballs. 'Should I eat at the couch or the table....? Eh, as long as I take the plate back to the sink, I won't have any problems with my mom.' I then sat on the couch and ate my food. I turned on the TV and began to watch some of my favorite shows.


A... blackout?

I was slightly scared from the lights, immediately turning off as my plate disappeared from my hands. I immediately leaned back onto my couch as I tried to see in the dark. As much as I dont want to admit it, I'm terrified of the dark. My heart was starting to racing fast. I always had to protect my back first. It's a random instinct I have.

Then, out of nowhere, a mist of cold air hits my right ear. A voice somewhat familiar but not familiar enough started to speak. "What's wrong?" I looked to my right immediately. It sounded like a man but distorted. Or a monster?

I was scared when I realized nothing was even there. I was too scared to look around.. but I had to anyway, I needed to keep myself and the house safe. I then looked behind the couch.

"Nothing? I swear I thought I just heard a.."

"Voice?" The voice came back, but it sounded like a little girl. She was starting to giggle as the voice flooded away and around the room. "I always fucking knew I can't be here when there a fucking ghost girl trying to attack me."

I immediately went to the corner of the room. I had a pocket knife on me for self-defense. I felt a little more comfortable now that my back was against the wall.

"Come on, missy..." There was an increase in voices. There were a lot more shadows in the room as well. 'What the fuck is this?! Now it was multiple children saying it together?'

With the little sight I have, I saw black goop begin to flood the floor as the fucking voices start to get all jumbled up.

I held up my knife close to me. 'Dear God I'm fucking scared half to death...'

It was a little hard to breathe, and my heart was racing. Since it was still dark, I couldn't see well. Their faces were distorted, smiles going on no end. Teeth sharp and skinny... it looked like they could bite my arm off!

I swear I see multiple body shapes from the black goop as it begins to rise. The size of adults and children was changing to creatures that I've never seen before.

Most of the shapes were different. Some have missing body parts like legs, arms, and even a head.. 'I don't want to look at these anymore!'

The voices start to rise, and then the kid in front of me starts growing a face. White, black, and blue face. This one had a scar on its forehead to his cheek. It was angry and sad, and the kid grew in size. One fucking foot away from me.

The goop began to fall from the body along with the tears and saliva of the shadows. It was even more difficult to fucking breathe.

"Come play and join us (y/n)!" Every voice finally said together. Every voice you could ever imagine all syncs up with that one sentence.

'No, no, no, no. Please tell me this is a dream...' I pressed my body against the wall behind me.

"You're the fucking problem here! Come join us so you can REPAY what you owe us!" A man and Woman then grabs my arms. I couldnt pull away, I was at the fucking corner.

'Im done for...'

The goop was not only disgusting, it was squishing my arms tightly with heat and electric shocks going through my arms. I wanted to scream and I tried, but I couldn't. Nothing came out. I couldn't say anything anymore.

'Why can't I say anything anymore?!'

I cried, I didn't know what to do. Black  starts to cover the end of my memories. But it turns out I only fell asleep on the couch. I gripped my hair and groaned. My mom was back from work, and she was waking me up with a worried expression. "Honey! Wake up!"

I gasped for air and woke up from that nightmare. Tears were flooding my face as I started to have a panic attack. My mom was hugging me tightly and reassuring me. This wasn't my first panic attack with her either.

'It is so embarrassing for my mom to see me like this...'

I hugged my mom back and cried into her chest. "Honey, it's okay... shh... don't worry.. bad things are gone now.. tú mamá está contigo, mija..." (if you didn't understand, your mom said,'Your mom is with you' :^ )

I hated everything in that dream, but at least I got to spend time with my mom for a bit. "It's okay.... I'm here... I'm here.. I'm protecting you now..."

A few minutes rolled, and I finally calmed down entirely. It was a long silence until she spoke again.

"Honey... what was the nightmare you had..? Was it about death again?"

"Y-yeah... somewhat... I was just.. scared and in pain in the dream... I didn't die in my dream this time..." I then felt her rub my back soothingly while I wiped my tears away.

"Are you feeling better now..?" She asked me. I then gave her a nod in response. "Alright.. go drink some water and go out in the porch for a few minutes to get some fresh air... if you need anything else I'll be in my room, okay?"

"Yes, mom.." I then stood up and went to the kitchen while my mom went to her room exhausted. Not from me but from her job and her worries.

Went I entered the kitchen. I saw lucifer there with a smile.

"Hi..." I didn't want to say anything today since lucifer was probably going to bother me all day from being a cry baby. I started to make some chicken salad and then drank some water.

"What's got you under the weather today? Was it the little prank I did on your earlier?" Wait.. a prank... "What 'prank' are you talking about..?"

"Oh, you know! How I turned off your electricity and made angry spirits haunt you." He grinned as I stared at me intimidatingly.

'You what.'

"That was a dream, though." I said in disbelief as I backed away slightly. He then shook his head and laughed. "You're funny. It wasn't a dream or a nightmare. You passed out a few seconds before your mom came home, and I decided to put you back on the couch with your food. It was funny to watch you try to scream. You didn't even make a sound!"

"Are you fucking insane?!" I yelled out in frustration.

"Yes, I am darling. Thank you for noticing! I am the king of hell for a reason. " He smirked and looked at his claws.

"Lucifer for fucks sake! I don't care if you're the god damn king of hell! You need to learn to behave at least once! You wanted to try to be friends with me, and you messed it up for yourself! You can't go pranking your friends with possible death." I glared at him angrily.

"One, that is how you lose friends, and two that's not fucking funny to the other person either!"

Lucifer slightly growled. "So what? Do you expect me to be an angel or something? I don't care about how you or your damn feelings are. I'm just using you for my passing of time since you still won't fulfill your damn deal that you somehow 'accidentally' made. Because of it, now, for a possible century, I'm going to be stuck with a girl like you!"

I stood there. I kept everything in my head and went back to making food. I'm ignoring him now. 'I can't believe this shit.'

"Me either, you little asshole." He snapped back at me.

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