20. a deathly surprise

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Y/n's pov

I lay in my bed tiredly. It's been a year since I last saw my mother...

"I need to sleep.."

Lucifer pov

"My love! I'm back from work." I walked into the room, seeing her lie in the bed. I stood next to her and looked at her face.

"Oh my me.. you're paler than before.. love.. wait." I took a sharp breath as I held her hand. Her arm, face, chest..

"Y/N! Please tell me this is a joke..!"

I quickly checked her pulse... nothing.. "I.. I lost her... h-how?! And why now?!" I teared up as I hugged her lifeless body.

"Father... he'd never let me see her in heaven... she never did anything wrong, she passed heavens gates for sure!.. I won't see her again..."

I dropped her body, and I saw a star necklace on her nightstand... 'This was the necklace her mom gave her the other day...'

I grabbed it and the duck I've made for her a while ago. I looked around to gather more things of my interest from her and went "home."

I placed all of her belongings in my room organized, Lisa, the duck she named, the necklace she'd always wear for her mother, and other things she enjoyed. Especially her favorite blanket. I wrapped myself up with it with a blank dead stare.

I couldn't cry. It felt impossible to. After all of the shit I've gone through, the only thing keeping me sane anymore.. was her.

'She didn't deserve the life she had.'

'She didn't deserve me.'

'She.. She..'

I gripped the bedsheets as my horns and red eyes began to show.

'That monster of a cop, that sinner, deserves death. Toture... and everyone else... who believed it.'

I evilly smiled and laughed. Getting out of my bed and walking out of my castle.

It's time to finally show how evil this king can be.

Charlie's pov

"Okay guys! This is the first week of us FINALLY opening the... Hazbin hotel!" I smiled weakly. Vaggie chuckled and held my hands. "I get it, hun. Very exciting project going into plan, but are we entirely sure we can... trust this rojo pendejo..?"

"Of course, Vaggie, remember.. just because he's done bad things in the past... doesn't mean I'm going to give up on him. He just.. needs a little push."

Angel ran into the lobby where the others were. Slamming the door and also rudely waking husker up. "Ugh... can a drunk man sleep in peace?"

"Oooo, are you running from a bad boy??" Nifty ran quickly to Angel. "I wish, also, I'd never run from one, they just end up running away or fucking me sweet tots. Besides the point, CHARLIE, you need to see the fucking news now!"

Everyone was intrigued and went to the living room.

"Hello you filthy sinner, this is Katie killjoy on the 666 news and we are in FUCKING danger! It seems our king, Lucifer Morningstar, has gone fucking berserk on demon kind."

The channel showed Lucifer killing many sinners, after pouncing on a sinner and ripping their vocal cords out, his head made a 180 quick snap towards the camera man.

His smiled widened as hells floor cracked beneath the camera man's feet, faster than the speed of light, Lucifer one punched his ass to the GROUND.

Coincidentally the camera falls and shows lucifer literally tearing this sinner piece by piece. Making a blood shower.

Then angel turned of the TV. "Tots, we need to lock up the hotel and do something! If you're dad is fucking mentally insane, we will all die. We need at least a little bit of protection."

Everyone was quiet. Even Alastor was nervous. Charlie bit her lip in shock. She was so close to crying, someone she looked up to for her whole life just.. just did that!

Sure he killed some people in the past.. but it wasn't this bad..

There was a knock behind us. We all turned around and found a girl who looked like...

"Y/n?" Charlie and Vaggie spoke up in shock.

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