9. God's WHAT?!

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Lucifer pov

"I don't need a reason to leave just because of Father. What is even your purpose with this girl?" I was annoyed at Azrael. I hated the girl, yes, but she meant something. She is different, not to be touched by dirty hands of an angel.

"Again, her time is soon. Since you wanted to corrupt her life. Father needs to take action soon. Your influence is spreading to her." He gave me his usual despicable, smug face. How fucking disgusting.

"So what if I'm spreading my influence, I did it to almost every human being. What is the exception with this -"

"She's a test."

"...what? What the fuck do you mean, she's a test?" I was confused.

"I wish I knew, Father never told me. However, he did tell me to make sure that in her life, she would die as an angel. If that's what Father wants, he shall get it." That's stupid. When did Father start doing this? That isn't him.

"Fine, I'll leave her be, but I won't make no promise that she would continue being an angel while I'm gone."

"I thought so. How's your life doing at hell? I bet you're really proud of it down there." Azrael said with a chuckle. "But you as my brother, I'm sure nothing has changed, and you're fine down there with Lilith. Am I right?"


"Never thought I would hear you say that so boldly. Not ever since your fall." Azrael was a little confused. He knew something was off..

I know he knows something changed. He nodded and disappeared. What was Father planning to her? She seems too fragile to even be tested on. She's far too weak to deal with any testing Father has done in the past. What test exactly is this?

Azrael pov

"Father.. I'm.. home.." I stood in front of the man I called Father. "Ah! My sweet angel Azrael! How was work today?" He said it in a cheery tone. "It was fine.. but I have a question." He nodded and gestured to go ahead and ask.

"Why is she a test? She's human, already made, usually when you're testing with the living, you would've already done it before you actually created them. What test are you doing with her now?"

He looked away for a moment. "It's not time to tell you just yet. It might ruin what I've tried planning for most of your existence son.."

"Then what's going on with lucifer? I mentioned how his wife was and it wasn't a positive reaction. He seem more protective of the test girl as well." I was so confused. The little girl was tested on by Father... is that why Father came back about two decades ago..? I need to talk with Michael.

Y/ns pov

I woke up in bed, my body was hurt. I heard words but I didn't hear what they said. Was this another prank of lucifer's again? I swear when I see him I'm going to smack the shit outta him.

Its been at least ten minutes. Then I could finally move. I sat up and saw lucifer giving me a neutral face. "Lucifer why was i-"

... he disappeared? Did.. did something happen with him? It could've happened while I was paralyzed.. I should.. maybe give him some space.

It's not like I won't see him ever again.

Weeks and weeks of waiting, working, cooking, hanging with mom.. but.. what I said before..

That was a lie a month ago..

I swear, where did this motherfucker have gone to? I haven't been stalked, pranked, or even seen by him once. It's odd to miss these, yeah, but it's so strange not feeling his aura around me anymore. I needed to head to work, I'm very tired of waiting.. what would.. what if I tried doing the demonic things when I first met him.

I remember those times, almost getting killed by him and seeing him as a small form... I hope he's okay... well, he probably is considering he's the devil... but I have my doubts.. you know what? Fuck work.

I went over, grabbed my dry erase marker, and drew a pentagram on the floor. Then grabbing one of my moms sewing needles and poking it on me so I could bleed.

I let the blood drop down as a massive amount of heat blew. I backed up and covered my face. It heat in the room was very hot, at least 100°f.

"What's your desire mortal- ...y/n.." it.. it worked?

It fucking worked?!

"Lucifer! Oh, thank God, I finally get to see you again!" I ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

Guess I didn't know I missed him that much. He seemed a little uncomfortable from the word "God."

"I.. I will say you're a smart girl for that.. but I'm busy, I have to go." I held tighter once I heard that. He noticed this and sighed.

"I believe I'm supposed to apologize for leaving you alone without reason and for a long time, hm?"

"Yeah, you do," I said. He chuckled and ran his fingers through my hair.

"No apologies from me." I slightly laughed from his comment.

"But in all seriousness, I do have to go. I'll see you soon, apple pie." He said that with such a caring smile instead his usual intimidating behavior.. Lucifer disappeared, yes, but when he said those words.

It felt like I was staring into the most beautiful flowers.. and hearing the nickname was nice. It made my heart run a little.

Maybe... he was just only happy I was thinking of him.. its.. it's just a one-time thing.

I'm overthinking it, I'm flustered, not in love. He wouldn't even love me. I'm an average human.. there is no way he would actually care about someone.. as... basic and weird as me..

OKAY, NOW, THAT'S TOO DEPRESSING. I don't want depression, I am good with that. I'm going to be perfectly fine. There's nothing I should be scared of. There's nothing important I should feel.

(Your gaining anxiety >:( Good luck, lmao)

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