15. a little surprise.

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I'm deciding not to put my theory into the story, I remembered that I could just create another story and tweak it to for my theory, but nah, I wasn't thinking 💀

BTW there's a part in the story that is NOT for kids-

Time skip for two months later

Y/ns pov

Every day, for some odd reason, the creepy neighbor wants to talk to me. Am I harsh on him? I mean, technically, he hasn't done anything illegal that I know of..

And speak of the devil. My doorbell rings. I sighed and opened the door, ready for what's going to happen. "Hey, can we FINALLY calm down and actually befriend each other?" Adam groans.

"Fine.. let's properly introduce ourselves then. I'm y/n l/n." I held out my hand. He held mine and shook it. "Adam, that's all you need to know."

"You know... can I come in? You seem to have a nice house." Adam asked.

"Sorry, no, I don't trust you fully to even let you in my house. Especially with the balcony issue." I eyed him.

"Listen, that was a one-time thing, I tried knocking on your door, you didn't answer, and I'm pretty sure your doorbell wasn't working that day. It became a habit with me to do this with friends..." he grumbled. "But I'm not your friend." I was slightly annoyed.

"Right... sorry." He sounded a bit sarcastic at the end there. Then I heard a quack noise in my house. "I have to go, sorry." I immediately cut him off as I closed the door and ran to my room.

Usually I hear a quack when lucifer is here, I opened the door and saw him in his onesie again. "Darling!" He ran up to me and picked me up. Carefully spinning me around in the air before hugging me tight.

"I missed you so much! It was hard not to be able to see you for a day.." He whines.

"I missed you too." I then kissed his cheek as he slightly blushed. Obviously still not used to them. "How was my evil duckling over there?" I slightly teased.

"I was okay, sweetie. Oh! I just remembered, my daughter wants you to come see her! She doesn't know we're dating because I never had the chance to tell her.. but I'm really excited for my two favorite people to actually get along!" He smiled so happily and widely that I also had to.

He carefully set me down on my bed as I kind of just flopped back. "My back is KILLING me today," I whine as I see lucifer..

"Wait, lucifer, que estas haciendo?" I blushed as lucifer crawled on top of me with a smirk. "Amor~ Do you want me to help that issue and blow your back out?~"

"I- w-wait a minute...  I'm n-not.. luci, you prick..." I gently pushed his face away, his smirk still visible. "My beautiful swan, I love you, sweetheart~"

I blushed and looked away. "I-i love you too.." lucifer then moved my hand and kissed me.

I thought it was going to be a small kiss... but nope-

We were kissing for at least 3 minutes. His fingers tangled into my hair while his other hand was slightly rubbing my waist.

Lucifer then pulled away with a slight red face and a confident smirk. "Did you like that?~"

I looked at him with a red face, "mhm... b-but don't do that again pervert.." he quietly chuckled with a hushed voice.

"What makes you think you can stop me doing what I love?~" he then nuzzled onto my neck and gave me a soft kiss. Knowing he shouldn't go too far, but wanted to tease.

"It's hard to take you seriously with that duck onesie, you know.." I tried to keep quiet, but he then whispered in my ear...

"Oh, so you want me to take everything off?~" he then chuckled as I blushed red, not as red as a cherry or tomato, REDDER.

"Okay, fine, no more flirting." He chuckled and then kissed my cheek. "Do you want some ice cream right now?" I nodded in agreement. I felt tired and slightly overwhelmed. He then transformed into his human self. (The image on the bottom, btw)

He stood up and then waited for me to get up from the bed.

I rose from the dead, (jk my coffin/bed) and went to have a fun ice cream date with his silly duckling ass.

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