16. what are the angels doing?

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Adam's pov

"For fuck sake Lute! This bitch is always dissing me and forces me to wait! It's been a month already and I'm do fucking tired of it!" I grip my hair with a frown.

"Sir, with all due respect, she has the right to do that after you gave her gifts and tried talking to her from a balcony." She sighs.

"If you were in her position, someone who doesn't really leave her home, and you already knew her name, where she lives, and you were giving her gifts. Doesn't that feel like stalker vibes?"

I thought about it for a moment, "Well shit. I have to actually plan things out then."

Lute groaned, "No shit, sir. This is why we plan our exterminations every year." I groaned, this is going to be a bitch to solve.. "why can't I just straight up tell her that I'm supposed to fucking take care of her??"

"I don't know, sir. You have to speak to the Lord for that." She then walked away, probably getting her food.

Soon, there was a knock at the door. "Huh? Who the fuck is it?" I stood up and opened the door. Seeing the angel of death..

"Oh you, what do you need?" He just... glared at me? "Uh, hello?- WOAH!" he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the area.

After a bit of struggling and questions, I was in a room with Azrael, Michael, and Gabriel.

Michael walked up and spoke, "we need information with the girl."

Gabriel added, "she is something that we don't know of, and we need to know what you know."

"Damn, back up first of all. Second of all, I would've appreciated a bit less of force. Third of all, I wasn't told shit besides having to look after her!" I backed up with a groan.

Azrael got his scythe out and put it against my throat, "Are you lying?" I shook my head with a slight fright.

They all looked at each other, seeming like they were reading each other's thoughts.

"Fine, go back home." Michael dismisses.

Michael's pov

I walked alone in the same halls I used to walk with Lucifer.. he was a great brother..

I miss him and his plans for the future.. seeing how he wanted to do something so special.. he wanted to make a world following his ways, wanted to be able for angels to be able to visit his world, and make his own versions of humans..

He was a magical one, wanting nothing less than to be happy, and have the people he cared about happy.. He just felt trapped.. like a picture in a picture frame.. the same thing never changed..

I walked up to a glass window showing the 7th son, Lucifer Morningstar, white and gold assets.

Something that is now broken and a memory of having.

I saw Father looking at a window that used to always be admired by Lucifer. "Father?"

He looked down with a smile, "Yes, Michael?"

"Who even is the girl in the window? You've never made her, and she doesn't look like Lilith or Eve."

He continued smiling. "She's my first attempt at creating the first woman. As a matter of fact, she is already made. It's one of the creations I still love."

I looked at the window, "but.. why didn't you set her as the first woman then?" Father then kneeled down and held my hand.

"Because at the time, I was struggling with my own feelings. All of them coming at once felt like torture. It came out of nowhere while I created her." He waved his hand in the air as gold mist soon formed a prototype of the girl.

"I wasn't paying attention to my feelings, which caused her to turn darker than she should've."

The girl walked around with a smile and  (your favorite flowers) around. The mist turned red as the girl then was about to jump a mist version of Adam.

"If I kept her, things would be a lot worse.. but I've fixed her a bit, and now she's living." Father then shooed the mist away before it turned gruesome.

"She was my first attempt to allow one of my sons to have a wife. Learning with Adam but realizing they weren't for each other. They needed character, but I had to make another one as a replacement."

I nodded, "If I may ask... who was she supposed to be with?"

Father chuckled..


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