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Lucifer's pov

"Was it really that bad to do something like that?" I didn't really care much about her, but for some odd reason, she just has this weird alluring power. I sighed and then went to my kitchen to make some food for me and Lilith like usual.

Is what Lilith done behind my back that bad? Was she lying? Humans can be despicable creatures and sin many times in life. I've seen people in hell argue about being cheaters, but I never took an interest in that. This is so fucking stupid.

I decided to just make some basic pancakes and cut some fruit up. "Good morning, apple pie~" I heard Lilith coming downstairs. "Ah huh. Good morning to you, too." I said as I began to make some coffee for myself.

"Honey? Is there something wrong?" She said as she rubbed my shoulders gently. "The human girl you told me to be 'friends' with. She's getting on my nerves. I know you were human once, but damn human females over-exaggerate too much. Even when it comes to small things." I gently pull out of Liliths grasp and put the plates on the table. "Sweetheart, you just need to learn to adapt. I've made a few friends in hell that were... complicated, you just need time."

I rolled my eyes at you. "Says the woman who cheated on me with Valentino." For some reason, that sentence alone made me feel some hatred towards her. If that human girl really told me the truth about cheaters. I'm expecting a shocked or worried expression. "Honey.. w-where did you get that idea?!"

Called it, huh.. "Pack your things. I'm giving mercy to a woman I once loved. You better be fucking grateful." She stood up and held my hand, but I shook it off. "Honey, please, you have to understand! I-i don't know what you're talking about. Believe me."

"No, I've seen it with my own eye, you disgusting woman. Don't touch me or call me those names. I will NOT show any mercy if you do so. I'm sure if you do, your big dick Valentino will miss you... but at second thought... I don't think he would be alive anymore soon." I drank my coffee and pointed the middle finger at Lilith, then teleporting to that human girl's home.

"Hey there, woman." It looked like (y/n) was drawing. She doesn't have any earbuds or music on, though. "Hello?? I'm speaking to you."

She then closed her sketchbook and eyed me. "And I ,don't want to talk to a clown ass rip of version of pennywise who is magically the king of hell and I should be 'aFrAiD'."

I growled and rolled my eyes. "It's been a whole week, and you're still mad at that? Also, I'm far worse from that clown from that dumb movie. If you want horror, I just torture you myself." To show dominance, the structure of my face begins to change. Deadly sharp and long teeth with my eyes glowing a full red. Even part of my horns begin to crawl out.

I felt her fear she was scared, but her expression wasn't changing. "Tough luck, I don't feel threatened by that. Now get out." She speaks like a man who has balls, but she feels scared like a worthless sinner. "Ugh, fine. I apologize for scaring you that day! Now you better fucking apologize for your stupidity before I rip your eyes out of your sockets."

"Finally, and I apologize. For nothing." I growled and set my coffee done and grabbed her neck. My hand in the air, ready to strike at her eyes. I heard her groaning in slight pain as she held onto my arm. "Honey, I'm early!" Was that her mother? "Shit shit shit, okay, okay. I'm sorry for calling you names, giving you attitude, and ignoring you." I then put my hand down and glared at her mad.

"That's fucking better you bi-" the door slowly opens as we both looked towards there as y/n throws me off them. Hitting the ground on my bum. "Honey what- what the?- who is he?! I told you no boys in the house!"

Y/n pov

"Mom! He uhm.. he doesn't matter right now! You need to go back to sleep! You're just dreaming!" I gently nudged my mom out of the room, but she came in anyway. "Honey, that is one of the most stupidest things you have ever said. You little boy need to get out of my house." I saw lucifer stand up with an angry expression. "I- Mom! L- s-samuel has anger issues, and he gets mad with attitude like that. Come on, you should go back to your room. And I'll sort this out, okay?"

I was slightly scared when I came in between lucifer and my mom. "That's is NOT my name. My name is Lucifer. You little bitch." I gently smacked Lucifers face with the back of my hand. "I'll explain to you tomorrow mom just please leave?" I was then pulled back by lucifer. "You have balls to do what you just did, missy." He whispers to me in an angry tone.

"Lucifer for fucks sake I'm probably already grounded by my mother from me talking to the devil you know. Get your claw hands off me." I whisper back to him. "I can't tell if you have a love-hate relationship with this boy, enemies, or secretly making out."

"Mom!" Oh shit he let go of me. "That's absolutely disgusting." He growled at my mom as she backed up and nodded as I fell to the ground. "Fuck you Lucifer. My fucking back pain.." I say as I stood up and stretched my back. "Calm your demonic self, Lucifer."

"Whatever." He finally relaxed a bit and took his coffee off of my desk, and sat down on my bed. Watching how this is going to play out. "Mom, this is Lucifer, I met him because of a ritual paper I did originally intend for healing when I was sick. I cut myself on accident and I then met lucifer, it's been, I don't know. Months or weeks since this has happened. And I'm stuck with him until I die because in order for him to leave, I need to sign a deal, but it costs my soul eternally bound in hell by the hands of him. So yes, this noseless white motherfucker is the actual devil."

"If you're going to insult me, use better words you despicable woman." I walked in front of him with a slight angry face. "At this point, just kiss the man already. You remind me of one of my old friends and their husband when they first met." She sounded like she didn't believe me at all.

"MA!" lucifer immediately spit out his drink. "LUCIFER MY CARPET- oh shit your coughing badly." I stood back and slightly chuckled at his dying figure.

Sorry, it's not much today. After this, our mom just doesn't know what to feel, and without thinking, she will blur embarrassing things out. She somehow gets along with Lucifer.

Dead Rose (Lucifer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now