21. killing trouble

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This is 2 days after Alastor and his gang arrived, we're so close to episode one :)

Charlie's pov

"Y/n... H-how are you here? And worst timing too.." I said as I immediately got up from the couch. "Worst.. timing..?" Y/n said in a raspy voice. Angel walked closer and looked confused. "Y/-who?"

"Someone we met a whole ago.. y/n  you look.. pale.." Vaggie said as she walks up to you. "You're new to hell.. why are you even here?... Does Lucifer know you're here..?"

Y/n shook her head no as she gently rubbed her throat. Alastor then spoke with interest, "Sorry to intrude.. but how does this marvelous looking gal have a connection with the big man?"

Vaggie rolled her eyes as Nifty ran up to y/n. "Hi Miss! I'm doing a deep clean on you since your new and probably dirty."

Before y/n had the chance to speak, Nifty ran quickly around y/n cleaning her off in the process. Your hair was messy until Nifty climbed up and styled your hair. "Better!"

"S-so.. I'm dead..?" You said, your throat hurting even more. "Yeah, seems like it, sweet tots." Alastor in the background waiting for an answer. "Can one person please answer my question? It's something I'm sure everyone would LOVE to know."

Charlie sighs and rubs the back of her neck. "Y/n is.. my dad's girlfriend." Alastor smiles wider as he then push everyone away and firmly shook your hand. "It's nice to meet you, darling. However, what I question is.. are you, my dear, the reason our "WONDERFUL" king, going on a rampage?"

Y/ns pov

"I.. w-what?" I tried to say in a shocked tone. Husker nods, "your little "boyfriend" is killing our home, so go fucking calm him down... Since I'm a fucking cat, I can hear his screeching from a MILE away.." he then downs a whole bottle of booze before he slams his head on the table and covers his ears.

Vaggie shook her head no, "If she goes out, she can get killed by Lucifer without him realizing. As someone with anger issues, I don't tend to realize what I'm doing, sometimes I rip my hair out because of certain people..." She growls slightly at Alastor and Angel.

Charlie nods, "it's best like that.. I may not know her well and kind of.. don't like her as my future mom yet.. but we shouldn't risk it! If she dies from him and he realizes. He might actually find a way to kill himself.."

I gulped as Charlie placed her hand onto my throat gently. A gold mist floating around my throat and healing my sore throat. "Every new demon get sore throat and a bit sick while going through the process of transforming into their demon selves. It takes a few days depending on what you are."

Angel then picked up his phone and started calling someone. "I'm going to call Cherry, I gotta make sure her Australian ass is alive." He then walked to a different room while his phone was ringing.

"Is that a boy or girl? I can't tell what that white and pink demon is.."

"He's gay, don't worry" Vaggie said, "but we might have to go on lockdown until your dad calms down hun."

Charlie looks outside with sadness, then looking back at Vaggie. Hugging her tightly, "I just hope he's okay... We don't talk much but I still love him.."

I gently hugged Charlie as well. "I understand.. but I'm sure he's going to be alright, just give him some time to burn off that rage inside him."

A few hours later of eventually getting to know everyone in the hotel.

(Question though, should I add Baxter into the story?? If you don't know him, he's a short fish scientist who doesn't like ANYONE. Like my boy is a few inches taller than Nifty.)

Finally, the tv switched on with 666 channel news, saying that he had calmed down and went to the castle. "I think it's time, Charlie, do you want to come with me?"

"Of course I do." She says with a smile, then, we both went outside and got a taxi to drive to the castle.

After the 20 minute drive, I ran up to the doors as I then looked at the knights. They immediately recognized me and allowed me inside. "What do you think he's doing right now?.."

Charlie looks at me, "probably looking over some of your things or asleep from using all of that power.."

Charlie carefully opens the door, finding Lucifer passed out with my blanket. "Awe.. he exhausted himself out.." I quietly walked up to Lucifer and gently ran my fingers through his hair.

'i wonder if it's a good idea to sleep here tonight.. maybe surprise him in the morning?' I thought as I gently caressed his cheek. Charlie then quietly walks out and closes the door.

I lied next to him and covered myself with his blanket. "Goodnight.." I softly whispered with a smile.

Bro, having longer nails than I used to is making my typing harderrrrrr. Brotha, how do y'all survive with nails-

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