11. Just ducks

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Lucifers pov

I got bored while y/n was out to buy groceries...

'I guess I'll just make a couple of rubber ducks.'

Y/ns pov

I came back from the store and set the groceries down. Grabbing a candy apple for lucifer, know he's bored out of his mind now.

"Or maybe he left, if so.... I can take it for myself." I said to myself. I opened the door, and


The WHOLE room was filled with piles or rubber ducks with different outfits and quirks.

"Hehe... my bad.." He said, "but look at this one! You can't tell me this isn't the best duck!" He said, showing off a duckling in roses.

I was mad at the fact that MY room was filled with them, I barely had space to walk!

"No, it's not! Clean this fucking mess Lucifer!" I said still with a pissed tone. However, I saw Lucifer's pupils shrink as he took the rubber duck back. He looked around the room and sighed.

"Right.." He wasn't sure if he should snap back or not, but he quickly waved his cane, and all the rubber ducks disappeared. Sadly, since I grew up to be that one therapist friend. I knew his body language said that I made a wrong move.

I sighed and took the rubber duck that was still on my desk with flowers, and Lucifer watched me. He wasn't smiling anymore, and that made me even more guilty.

I grabbed the duck  and placed it on my nightstand as I gave Lucifer the candy apple. "I'm sorry, I just didn't expect that, and I cleaned my room today before you came here..." He pushed the candy apple away.

"It's alright, I don't want it," he said, then sitting on my bed. Looking at the duck on the nightstand, he was gripping his cane tightly.

If I'm correct... he's restraining himself to break the things in my room, especially the duck. "So..." I said to catch his attention. His grip loosened and looked at me. "What do you want to name the little flowery duck? It is a cute one," I said with a small smile.

His pupils dilate a bit, and he smiles. "I was kind of wanting to see if you could name it and if you wanted to keep it.." He said nervously. I grabbed his hand and made him stand up. "Well... how is Lisa? I think it's a cute, simple name,"

I handed the duck to you as I made it quack on accident. "Wait, it quacks like a real duck?" I say as I took it back and examined it. My interest in it quickly rose as Lucifer chuckled.

"Yup, I made every rubber duck have characteristics of a real one." I looked at him with slight wide eyes. I grabbed his hand with the rubber duck and walked out my room door.

"Y/n!-" He says as I stop to look at him, slightly laughing as I notice his hat is now covering his face. He fixed it and looked at me with confusion. "Change into your human form, I now have the strong urge to go visit the duck pond."

He was shocked for a moment and then smiled. He transformed into his human form as I felt my heart race a bit.. whenever I see his human form, he looks so young and handsome...

"Darling, you do realize I CAN read your mind, right?" He smirked, "but thank you for the compliment, dear." He said as he held my hand. "Shit," I looked down in embarrassment but then took a deep breath and guided lucifer to the pond.

When we got to the pond, there were ducklings and mama ducks everywhere. It's been a while since I saw them, and I'm glad I got to see them. With my favorite friendemy.

Lucifer looked confused. "What's a friendemy?" I turned around and rolled my eyes. "It's a friend you have. However, you pretend to act like enemies to each other."

He nods in an accepting expression. "Good to know I'm your favorite." He said as he nudged my arm. Then a duckling walked up to me and did a little quack.

'Don't do it, don't do it y/n'

It was still there and quacked.. "goddammit, you have a good point.. look at you!~" I said as I held it happily and showed it to Lucifer. "He or she likes me!" I said, my inner child coming out of the shadows.

Lucifer then wrapped his arm around my waist and used his other arm to pet it. "I can see that, dear." I looked at him with a flushed expression. He was smirking as I looked around. "Uhm... nuh uh." I said as I moved out of his grasp.

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, sure, sweetheart." I put the duckling down as I was trying to find the right words to say. "We're friendemies, not flirtatious besties." I eyed him with a nervous expression.

He held the middle finger, "My life, my rules, bitch." He smirked as I folded my arms. "You're mean,"

"Thank you for noticing, darling." He said with a smirk. I'm not going back to another duck pond with him, I swear.. "Too bad, I'm going to force you every month now." He nudges my arm.


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