18. Its hard to let go.

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Y/ns pov

I've been in my bed for weeks on end. Lucifer was trying his best to cheer me up. Even saying that my mom is happy and misses me dearly in heaven.

But even so.. if I wasn't there that night.. she could've lived longer and even found her goals she wanted to accomplish as a child...

'She died and lived short because of me..' I curled up into a ball and teared up.

"Love... you didn't mean for this to happen..." lucifer teleported to the room with some snacks. Sitting beside me and holding me against him.

"I-im.. s-sorry..." I gripped his shirt and cried onto his chest. He kissed my head and covered me in his wings. (Note from the author about the wing color, the inside pair of the wings are black. And the outer color is white!)

His brothers often came to visit as well. Once a week usually.

Michael came by with a gift. "I thought you would like this.."

I looked at Michael with a red teary face..

'A... bouquet of my favorite flowers?'
Lucifer gave Michael a side eye.

"Brother, don't worry. Her mother told me to give it to her. Along with a note. She wants you to open it and read it every time you're like this."

Lucifer nodded and handed me the two items. "Remember, we're still here for you and the biggest changes in your life."

I wiped my tears and opened the note.

"Mija, know that you are never alone. No matter how far we are. Just know I'll be there to help you through dark and thin. I may not say it much, and I do regret not doing it sooner.. but I love you. Te amo, mija."

I held the note to my chest as Michael also gave a note to lucifer.

"And lucifer, I trust you with my daughter entirely. Don't make me regret it."

I sniffle, "My mom never deserved this..."

Lucifer nods, "But remember it's not your fault.." Michael chimed in, "even if it was, we all had made that mistake at least once in our life. Ask my brother, I was forced by the seraphims to make lucifer fall."

Lucifer slightly laughed. "Don't remind me of that day." I leaned and hugged lucifer. Even if I was an adult, I still wanted to be cared for.

Lucifer glared at Michael as he disappeared. 'Why couldn't i just gone to see how my mom is doing...?' He then turned to me and held me tight. "My sweet apple.. there's a rule spoken by God. An angel shouldn't meet a human.."

I sighed, "Okay..." I left his touch, not feeling to hug him or anything else. Lucifer leaned down and kissed my head. "My beautiful swan deserves more than this.."

"No, I don-" he interrupts me with a few kisses on the lips. "L-lucifer-"

"I'm not listening, dear." He kisses again, I slightly teared up and finally kissed him back softly.

After we pulled away slightly, lucifer wiped my tears away and kissed my cheeks. "L-lucifer.. please don't leave me alone..."

"I won't do that to you.. ever.."

Dead Rose (Lucifer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now