7. A Regular Wednesday

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Y/ns pov

It's been a year since I met lucifer. He's been a dick, but he's cool, I guess? Found out not that long ago apples were the first fruit created, and it should be obvious that it's his favorite. My mom is concerned for my relationship with him. She keeps telling me not to make deals with him, don't do anything you don't want to, and mainly not make him mad.

She has seen me make him mad many times, but she doesn't want to take any chances on losing me. Yes, I still live with her, and it's better than leaving her alone. She's been working too hard lately, and her body is becoming too weak. I'm the only family she has, I just can't leave her, you know?

"Hello dear." I know that voice. "Hey Lucifer, how are you doing today?" He rolled his eyes and slumped back onto the couch. "Work was a bitch today. I also found out not too long ago that my daughter's wants to create this idea with a redemption hotel called, 'Happy Hotel'." I looked at him with confusion. "You still have paperwork to do in hell? Also, why are you not proud of her?"

He sighed, "Yes, we still have paperwork to do, and I never said that about my daughter. She is just doing things that got me disappointed. I AM the devil anyway." Right, I forgot he was the devil. He doesn't tell me much unless it's something he doesn't need to worry about, or at least get him pissed.

However, all I know is that he is still with his wife because of Charlie. She is probably the only thing he ever loves, to be honest.

"So... Lucifer? It's beeling like.. a year since we met?"

Lucifer nods in agreement.

"I remember you saying you can't stop visiting me until I make a deal or die so... why haven't you tried killing me?" Lucifer thought for a moment.

"I had different mindsets through it all the time we had. At first, I didn't do it because there might have been a chance you could've made a deal so I could have your soul. This leads up to you also going to heaven, and I wouldn't gain anything from killing you. Which would waste many of my hours of days I've spent on you, and now I landed to a place where I can just tolerate you for at least a century at best."

Lucifer said as he looked at his nail. He then looks back at me. "Want to go get some snacks from the store you short bitch?" I gasped a bit and put my hand to my chest. "How dare you. Are you paying for the snacks?" He groans, "Yeah, yeah. Let's get going."

He then turns into his human form. 'It's kind of cute, to be honest...'

"Or maybe you're just attracted to my human self?" I jumped, forgetting that he could read minds sometimes. "I mean, who wouldn't like a gentleman like me?~" he says.

"Don't get cocky, not many people like you. Damn bitch." I sighed and took your hat off of your head and puts it on the table, then grabbing the snake and putting it in the cage me and Lucifer got for him. "Could you do me a favor and change the style to your fucking clothes? They smell like shit and don't sit well with this century."

"No, and honestly, I don't care." He says.

"Then I hope you enjoy being shit talked in the crowd again." I sighed and walked up to you. Smack your hand and fix your clothes. "Can't we get you some better clothes? I don't mind you wearing those, but seriously, I don't know what hell is like, but I can sure smell it from being 20 feet away from you."

"Hmmm, fine. I guess I do need a new design. I haven't had a new one ever since I was at least in my 30s in my angel life." I was shocked. 'This man has been wearing the same shit for longer than the world even started?!'

"It was 5 years after I met the first human on earth, sweetheart." I slightly blushed and immediately shook it off. "Don't call me that again!" I said slightly angrily. "Why are you so mad? It's just a name. Besides, it wasn't even rude, and don't think I didn't see that blush you had."

"It's embarrassing... that's why." I folded my arms. "Whatever, let's go, dear." I started to walk out the door with Lucifer with a small bag of apples in case someone tried to get personal with him. Respected though because the devil himself actually has self-control unlike everyone else.

And not even five minutes into walking, there's a bunch of women and men talking about us. Great.

"Why don't you have a car?" He asked I looked at him and shrugged. "I don't want to spend like, my college worth of money for a lifetime from a car, I guess. Even though I am tempted, my mom tells me it's a good idea. I might be slow when getting things back home, but it helps me adventure out. Even if I want to stay inside the whole day."

It makes sense, I guess. Hard work does sometimes have it perks.

We finally entered the nearby Walmart  and got a few snacks, I even got Lucifer  a few new clothes to relax in. (Totally not forced) "I thought we were only getting snacks, not new fucking clothes."

"Too damn bad, you're taking a shower after this also. The reason why you're probably the talk of the town is because of how you constantly smell rotting corpses." Pointing at him and covering my nose.

"Maybe that's the smell of the blood from that one imp before I came here." What. The. Fuck?

"Also, you should probably look behind you." I sighed and looked behind us with a dead body.

"Oh wow, how scary, another fake body." I sarcastically said, then walked forward and moved the head a little.. I jumped immediately when I saw the eyes were ripped out of his sockets. "Holy mother of God, what the fuck?"

I immediately went to Lucifer. "Did you kill an actual person this time?! Are you fucking insane?!"

He gave me a wide smile. "Why yes, I am thank you. Also, you should've  probably not touched the body. It now has your fingerprints or DNA on it."

"Can't you just.. magically make the body disappear? Evidence as well?"

"Let me think about it... hmm, no." 

'This fucking asshole, I swear I'm going to beat the shit out of him.'

"Then do it you little bitch. I hardly believe you would do anything to me since you've been saying that in your head ever since I met you. Am I that handsome that can't lay a finger on me, dear?"

"You're not handsome at all, clown." I then flipped him off and walked away.

"Walk off, and you're paying for everything in the cart."

I immediately ran back. I don't wanna pay for shit today.

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