22. Lucifer's hopes and dreams

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Y/n pov

I slowly woke up in a tiring state. When I woke I saw Lucifer against the wall with shock. "Am I dreaming..?" He said he then pinched himself then looked back at me. "You're way too pale to be her.. right..?" He caressed my cheek.

"It is me.. remember? I was sick when we first met. I think that's enough to explain?" I softly chuckled and held his hand. "But.. you never sinned.. how are you here..? I.. I-i thought you were up in heaven..."

"Honestly, Luci, I don't know either. However I'm here now. I heard about your... Outrage." I hugged him tightly as he then hugged me back. He started to sob, still not believing that I was here.

"I-i.. I thought I was never going to see you again.. y/n... holy shit.." I comforted him for a good 10 minutes before kissing his forehead. "Such a handsome boy~" I teased. He blushes and wiped his tears away. "What does that mean, apple pie?" He chuckles softly.

"I'm sure you know what I mean, dear"

A few days later :3

Lucifer was making breakfast, i walked up behind him and hugged him. "Good morning, apple pie. I made pancakes for the worst day in hell." I grumbled. "Extermination right..? Is Charlie going to be alright..?" Lucifer nodded and pulled away from your embrace so he can give you pancakes.

"Is it alright if I.. you know.. spend time with Charlie today..? She's a sweet girl and I want to make sure she's okay at least. Besides it might strengthen our friendship." Lucifer thought about it with a more stern expression.

"Do you promise to be safe..? Also maybe wait until after the extermination..? I only just got you back and you're not a hellborn.." I looked confused. "Okay but why does it matter if I'm a hellborn or not?"

"It's because angels can't kill hellborn, it's part of the contract we made after the first extermination." He says with a sigh. "It was mainly to protect my daughter eons ago. Meaning billions of years ago for you, dear" he gives me some utensils as I eat the pancakes.

"Okay, I understand." I ate some pancakes. I could tell Lucifer was beginning to feel sadder. "You made some amazing pancakes you know." I smile at him softly.

he looked up with a smile. "Really?" I nodded. He was so much more happier eating his pancakes. Most likely distracted from what I reminded him of.

"Well.. since the extermination is coming... Do you want to go to a soundproof room? I might be in there the entire day because of.. you know.. being traumatized of your human death.."

I smile and nod, "yeah, not ready to see blood or hear screams yet"

"Let's go! What games do you want to play in there? We have card games, bored games, spin the bottle." He smiles even more at that last part.

"But there's only two of us for spin the bottle?"

"I know~" he had a smug expression, "I just want to keep kissing you over and over again." He says happily.

"Silly." I stood up and went over to him to kiss his cheek. He got so happy and hugged me tight.


Charlie's pov

"So.. you want to hear my parents story, y/n?" I nodded as we looked at the book. She gives a big sigh.

"Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by the golden gates known as heaven"

"It was ruled by beings of pure light. Angels that worshipped good and shielded all from evil. Lucifer was one of these angels."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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