12. Charlie's hotel

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Intro to Charlie's pov, she's in a hotel vip room to learn how to manage a hotel correctly. Even though it's not what she wanted, she is taking notes and somehow getting her way to know the type of paperwork hotels have to do. So please don't be confused if you think Charlie is still living with her parents. It's simply not true right now.

Charlie's pov

'Okay, Charlie... you can do this...'

I took deep breaths with my girlfriend vaggie. "Charlie.. You're going to be fine, remember what you told me? Don't be afraid just because you don't know the answer.. be strong, you always had."

I nodded and began to call my dad.. please...

Please pick it up...


"Hey, sweetheart!" He said slightly awkwardly.

"Hey, dad! I wanted to tell you something.."I gripped the phone slightly worried if he would agree or not. Vaggie gently held my arm and rubbed my back to help calm me.

"Sure, what is it, dear?" He said I heard some noises from his background.

"I-i wanted to actually start the hotel redemption plan.. and I wanted to know if you could help make it happen..?"


"Sweetheart.. I.. you know I'm too busy to help.." He said with slight guilt through the phone. I already wanted to cry, but I have to stay strong.. even withou-

"But I could get you a hotel ready... you just need to figure out everything else on your own.." He sighed, whether or not if this plan could work.

"Really? O-okay!" I said with a smile, "Yes, sweetie, I'll get it done in a week. I'll see you tomorrow, honey." He says with a caring tone.

I hung up the phone with a wide smile towards vaggie. "He accepted vaggie! He's willing to help! Well, at least for a little bit, but he is helping!" Vaggie chuckles.

"Yes, I heard. Why don't we pack our bags for tomorrow hun?" I nodded. Tomorrow is going to be the best day!

(Plot twist, it isn't) jkjk

Y/n's pov

"So, who was that you were in a call with?" I say as I stood beside him. "My daughter.. she actually wants to start her idea. I'll support her but I'm a bit scared."

I was confused, "why would you be scared?" I then placed my hand on his forearm. 'He's the king of hell, ruler of hell! Why would he be scared?'

"Darling, i- I still have a past that you don't know about. Okay?" He said slightly angered. I sighed and rubbed his back. "I'm sorry, shouldn't have judged.. and no, you don't have to tell me your past if you're not comfortable. You're my friend, I want you to feel better than your shitty past."

He sighs, thinking into deep thought. "Do... do you want to come with me? Tomorrow in hell for a little while.." He said while holding my right shoulder.

"I.. want you and my daughter to meet each other. You two seem identical a bit when it comes to seeing someone in need of reassurance. If it's not much.. help me be able to reassure her dreams will be safe in my heart." He said while grabbing my hands, fingers intertwined and everything.

I nodded with an awkward smile. "Of course, b-but maybe could you.. step back..? I'm not used to being this close with someone.." He then realized what he was doing and took his hands away. 'Wait.. was he blushing?'

He turned his head immediately. "No... I have no clue.." I then nudged his arm, "that's pedophilia, I'm still 17." He then shot an annoyed glare at me. "Right, right, I'm sorry!" I laugh.


Time skip to tomorrow! (BTW y/ns birthday in like a day or so in the story.)

It was four fucking AM when lucifer was waking me up. "Darling, wake up." He said, shifting my body back and forth. "Get you dirty fucking claws off of me..." I said with an annoyed tone, looking at the clock. "It's 4 am.. why are we leaving so early..?"

I sat up and stretched my arms, my hair and clothes being all messy. Lucifer chuckled, "Cute... dear, time in hell is different than on earth. It's 4 am here, but 10 am in hell."

"You guys are assholes for that..." I then stood up and went to my bathroom with some clothes. Lucifer is waiting patiently on my bed with a little duck.

Over in heaven with God.

"The test seems to be working fine... I'm not sure how her going into hell will affect her.. I have just the person!" God then rings Sara's phone.

"Hello, sir. This is a rare occasion, what do you need?" She said with a little nervous expression.

"Get Adam into my office immediately."

Back in our world

I was standing in a red environment with Lucifer. All the sinners who walked past by were scared and shocked. I was dizzy from moving worlds through Lucifers portal.

"You feeling alright?" He said with a chuckle while holding me upright. "No..." I said while covering my mouth.

"DAD!" I heard a voice from a distance immediately running over to Lucifer. I backed away as I regained myself and Lucifer being tackled in a hug with a girl who I believe is his daughter.

"My apple core! It's been so long, sweetheart!" He hugged back with a wide smile. "Dad.. I'm so glad you actually want to help." She embraced her father then noticing me.

"Oh, um.. hi! My name is Charlie." She held out her hand with an awkward smile. "Nice to officially meet you. Your father really loves you from how much he talks about you." I shook her hand.

"Sorry if I seem a bit rude, but.. why do you look so much like a human? You have no detail that shows you're a sinner." Lucifer chuckles, "That's because she is. She's my human friend." Vaggie looked into his eyes confused, "I didn't know you had human friends.."

"Ah, who are you, and what do you mean by that?" Lucifer was a bit annoyed. I then held one of his hands. "I mean, sinners can't communicate with humans, and she probably didn't think you'd ever wanted one."

Charlie looked at our holding hands a bit confused, "Right... Anyways, dad?"

"Yes, apple pie?" He said. "So... how are we going to... you know... make the hotel?" She asked. Lucifer then made his cane appear with a smirk, "Your father is made of magic, remember dear?"

He then flew into the sky with..



he then pointed his apple cane to the ground as a red electric source came from the apple. Hitting the ground and a red, gold smoke puffed out into the air.

I closed my eyes and covered my mouth, slightly coughing from the dust.

After the dust faded away, I opened my eyes, seeing a hotel halfway complete.. Lucifer was laughing and flying around as he completed the base for the hotel.

"Woah... how in the holy fuck did he do that?" I said as Vaggie nudged my arm, "he has magic, also nice to meet you, I'm vaggie."

"I'm y/n.." I say while continuing to watch Lucifer flying around happily. "Do you like him or something?" Vaggie said as I blushed. "Is it that obvious..?" Vaggie nods, "but don't worry, he seems stupid to emotions."

I looked at her with a 'you got that right' expression. "Still.." I watched with a smile, my heart racing when I watched him. "Just be carefully, the man is full of secrets and mystery.. he can hurt you. I don't want you ending up down here realizing he wasn't the one.."

"You know, you seem like a protective person." I chuckled. Vaggie smirked, "No shit sherlock." Me and her laugh while Charlie laughed with us. Hearing every word.

And so did a few people..

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