Chapter 1

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A woman, wearing all red with a magnificent pull in her, entered the place, gaining the attention of everyone present there,

" Madam Samsin, please hear me out once." The moon goddess Dalnim pleaded while the women in red went in, nodding her head to follow her in, having no clue.

" Speak." The words rolled out of tongue as she sat gracefully, and Dalnim nodded her head, taking a seat in front of her bowing down.

" I want to reincarnate them again, in a different era, and this time, I want you to look at their destiny. Before I do it." The pain in her voice said it all, Samsin looked at her closely before closing her eyes, she tried to look through but she couldn't get enough, she opened her eyes and gave a faint smile and said

" They are tied to eternity, but I can't see more than it." Dalnim smiled and got up, but samsin stopped her,

" Vist Magu once, she knows something more I do. " her words confused the moon goddess, but she just nodded instead of asking why,
she walked out, and her crew followed her behind, seeing her exiting,

dongbaekkkot, ( the flower( camellia ) which symbolises destiny, the samsin and the flower are connected) a girl with flowers in her hands and hair, her frock long and elegant with flower prints on, came in with a sad face, and spoke

" Why didn't you say the truth?" Samsin shook her head and turned the other side looking at the orchid flowers she spoke,

" They are bonded to the eternity but each life is a new twist, unlike other souls, they can recognise each other no matter what, even they change there faces, the moment the blue moon comes into there life after getting together, something unexpected will happen, sometimes it makes a happy ending, and sometimes not. The moment they get past memories back, the bond strength increases more. They have a great love for each other beyond souls and destiny. Of course, I am selfish, too. I want to see them having a perfect ending, I don't can't see if it happens in this life or other. I can't stop her from reincarnating them because both are born to do some good, one will be able to save, and the other one will be saving, protecting his other half." After she finished, dongbaekkkot nodded her head, wiping her treas off,


The moon goddess Dalnim, entered into a cave while her followers stood outside, and soon she reached to the middle where a a beautiful young woman sat on a rock, wearing a golden cloth, with long birdlike fingernails out spelling some chants,

she is described as a kind and compassionate deity who helps those who invoke her to achieve health and happiness, and she can look into someone's upcoming life, she can control souls and their next life.
The moon goddess bowed down in a traditional way, getting on her knees,

" Looks like I have unexpected guests." Her eyes glowed bright red as she opened them,

"I am sorry for invading your privacy, but I want some help. I want you to look into their next life." And the last words hardly came out. They were like silent sobs.

" So, it's real that you are reincarnating them. The special mates." Magu said and closed her eyes once again, and instantly, her lips curved up, but soon she regained back to herself and opened her eyes, and the moon goddess stood up, waiting for her to say

" Maybe this would be perfect, but I warn you. Everything has a reason, so be careful. You may leave now. " As she said, the moon goddess bowed down again and made her way back to her place,

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