Chapter 12

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The whole night was never ending, everyone is super excited to have a new member coming in few months,
And iseul and dae-un with Jin making food,

" Namjoon likes tofu right?" Iseul asked Jin who just nodded smiling while dae-un stated,

" Kai loves them too, specially made by you!" It made iseul smack her hand, while Jin just laughed at her,

" She did the worst tofu ever, right after the day she got married to Hyun, at the end Namjoon and Kai praised her while everyone passed out.!!!" His windshield laugh filled the kitchen and iseul just shrugged off shaking her head.

Ma-ri, Jackson pampering Milli,.

" If that idiot gets busy, call me right away, I will make him do whatever you want! " Jackson suggested while Ma-ri sighed, and pushed him aside and said

" You can call me, I will tell daneil to kick out heoseok fron work right away! Or what about to keep him with you till birth? , I am sure they can manage. " It made Milli smile wide and accepted that it's good idea.

Hwan and Hyun lecturing their kids aka Heosok and Yoongi, about pregnancy and other dangerous things not to do which will end up them in a deadly situation when their partner is pregnant,

" Heosok-ah give her the best you can, even she wakes you up in the middle of the night or makes you stop in the middle of the road, and when you go to shopping, don't forget to put everything she touches in the cart. And Hyun will lecture you about sexual things!" Min.hwan said lowly while Hyun just glared at him,

While Heoseok just nodded at whatever they said, take few glances at his love.

And Dae-seong and Ju-won talking about how their little kids grew up so fast,

Kai and Mia are having a teasing session with Jimina along with Jennie, teasing Ji-ah- and daniel who came so late with awkwardness.

Which made the whole house so cosy, with the warmthness radiating from them.

And our Little kookie is sitting outside, glancing at the moon, cursing his blondness with his hyungie, and it was obvious for his mom to figure it out.
And Geyeong observing him from behind.

She looked over in the hall to see Yoongi struggling to keep himself sane and sighed, when their eyes met she called him over, of course Yoongi used it as a weapon and escaped his father and father in law bickering at each other while his brother in law is way out of world and lost seeing his sister ( his wife of course) to even respond,

" What is it mom?" He asked out peeking behind from her, looking at kookie who is lost,

" Look at that lost love sick puppy, Taehyung didn't marked him but he has Taehyung scent on, something happened between them right son!" She asked excitedly which Yoongi just nodded closing his eyes in disgust he spoke low,

" He wore Taehyung shirt only when I stepped in, they were having a staring contest, and i can bet our whole fortune that Taehyung kissed hell out of him. And he behaved so oldly, like tae tae in past, he got a little bubbly with his kookie, but it will take him time to open up to us too, and his eyes turned blue when he looked at Kookie! What does that mean?" As he said Geyeong looked back at him with wide eyes and patted his shoulders, saying

" He let his inner guy out, I mean his wolf. It's getting more possessive over kookie, and they are ready for crowning and mating now, completely fine, I need to tell Namjoon first,! -"

" Mom don't get get hyuped up, he told me to ask you about the date for crowning day, and keep it with you till they announce it out by themselves! " Yoongi shused her, which is brushed off roling her eyes and pushed him off saying,

" Now let me go and I have to choose the perfect date for them and milli's baby ritual too!!! " Yoongi just sighed and went back taking a last glance at lost kookie.

Before he could join the mess,

Jin shouted out loud,

" Dinner is ready, everyone to the garden! "

They all responded in union and made their way towards the garden, and yoongi pulled Milli aside while jimin dragged heoseok the other,

" Even if you feel slightest discomfort or change in surroundings, send me a single note, you are not going to the lab or hospital anymore, you can just attented the classes from home, I am saying this because you are not just you, and besides the baby is going to be mix of you both, and there is always a hunt for the bloodline, be careful. And leave it to me I will make sure that your sunshine will be beside you no matter what! And it's going to be toughest. Trust your oppa! " He said hugging her while she just nodded getting confused over his words.

" I trust you oppa. " She mumbled back and dragged him to the garden, where everone sat on ground around the round big table placed, coloured in black and white.

The lights are bright and a slow music flowing through their non stop talking mess, and kookie sat beside Jackson who kept feeding him already.

Soon Namjoon and taehyung returned and joined the mess with laughter.
Taehyung trying hard to keep his eyes on the food.
When the dinner is finished, elders shooed the kids away, and made them go to sleep.

And they sat in the meeting room with hot coffees in their hands,

" What is it geyeong? " Namjoon asked first while she hesitated a bit before standing up and stared at everyone and spoke,

" I have choosen the crowning day, and I have came across something odd this time, even though I change the duration for the crowning day, at the end it way always the same day but different month and year, it's not a big deal but, quite remarkable. Kookie wolf never showed up tilll now and taehyung's is already at the edge." Everyone just nodded and agreed to the date.

" About Milli's ritual, it's going to be complicated since the blood line is rare, and it's a blessing too but it brings danger too. And it will be in this month end. Let's prepare everything from tomorrow then it will be perfect." As she said everyone replied in union, before namjoon could speak, jennie stood up and said,

" I have got a dream last night, and I am sure it's going to happen. Namjoon oppa can you call up medusa to the crowning day, she will be blessing them. " As the words slipped from her mouth, it was dead slience again, they inaudibly nodded and went in to their rooms.

While Namjoon and jin stayed in each other embrace, tears threatning to fall out but they never came.

" I promise Jin, I won't give up no matter what! " Namjoon tried to ease the unknown worry taking over, while jin just nodded kissing him,

" I trust you joonie. "

And they called it off the night, trying to ease up everything,

While two souls are eger to be in each other embrace, getting disturbed sleep every now and then....

Kook was at the edge of losing his shit but the knock on the door make him snap out of everything...

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