Chapter 13

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The nostalgic sound echoed from the deep forest, facing the east.

The sun started to raise upon, giving a pleasent dark orange look, the nature looked most ethereal.

People all around bowed down as Namjoon led Taehyung and Ha-joon led jungkook, to the center of them,

while kai and Jackson roared up the drum beats,
Jin and hana made kook wear the crown, and Namjoon and Ha-joon followed and made Taehyung ware the crown.

Hwan stood in between them, wearing a black suit and a book in his hands, he blessed them, and spoke.

" As the Delta, I am here to perform the ritual. To bond them for ever to eternity again. Please stand out if you object this pure ritual. As it may be a start of bad omen to newly wed's!" As he completed, no one spoke and Jennie and hana made sure to keep their husbands mouth shut,

" As we have no objections, let's start.

Do you Kim Taehyung take Jeon Jungkook as your husband, your equal half, and take care of him no matter what, as in the name of mate and your highness, and be together till the end. Do you vow. "

" I do. "

" Do you Jeon Jungkook take Taehyung as your husband, your equal half, and take care of him no matter what, as in the name of mate and your highness, and be together till the end. Do you vow "

"I do "

" And now the Unbreakable Vow ! " A voice boomed all around as medusa walked up to them, echanting the place as hwan took a step back,

She looked at them though and lowred her hat, a small smile crossing ger lips, making her look more wicked.

A visible bubble formed around them, as they slide their rings at once, Taehyung held Jungkook hand.

She spoke,

" A pure royal Alpha bloodline, and a pure blood, and I can't sense your wolf at all. The offspring may bring upon the war between every supernatural existing now. "

Her voice remained clam, as she held their hands in hers, feeling the power running though their blood.

" You both have already faced a death war, and past remains unrecognized, no matter what. Rule as forever you can, let the death go defeated this time. I give you my blessings, and a curse too, the offspring will be oddest of all creatures, her or his blood will be boon to those who are pure and a bane to notorious onces.
Let the world see the regin of new Rulers.
Hail to them, for a new start.

And the unbreakable Vow should be deep inside your hearts. It bleeds when one of you cheats or breaks it, it means other one will die in most painful way. "

She bowed down and vanished in thin air, the howls filling the silence,

At that moment, Jungkook couldn't help but give upon, his keens gave up as tears were threatening to run down, while Taehyung just stood their supporting Jungkook and his eyes never left his bambi.

" Is it really going to be hard hyungie? " His week voice showed fear and yet a tint of amusement.

" Let's  face it up together, what ever comes on! " He wishpered out kissing his temple, and embraced him fully,

While Jin broke down along with jennie, while Namjoon and Jackson stood there consoling them.

Ha-joon, ma-ri , isuel trying to wake up hana, who fainted a second ago.

Hwan and hyun, Handling the others who came to bless the couple.
Dae-seong and ju-won handling the adult kids.

And Geyeong just stood there looking at the lost newly wedded couples, a tint of smile never leaving her lips.

She was happy for everything, and her instincts creaming for the mess ahead.

Yet she was craving for it to bring on more, cuz who is she to deny free drama , of course not when her favorite misterious couple.

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