Chapter 17

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It's already noon, the light was almost gone, and the house is like a star in the middle of the forest, the cute squerells and birds aroud the open library stood in their places, looking at the beauty laying on the big couch, with a cute pout on while his hands gripped the book tight, the owl at the corner made a low soud as kookie sighed dropping the book on the table with a content smile on his face,

" That's so good, it had a happy ending!! " He exclamed looking at the celing,

He got up as he heard a nock, it's was non other than his husband who refused to keep his hands off. Well we can say Taehyung can't keep himself.

" I completed another book hyungie, it's soo good, Woo-sik hyung has a great taste in this geners. " As jungkook said Taehyung hummed in response, eyeing the sky he dropped himself on the couch and kept his head on koos lap,

" It's snowing again, and your follwers got increased. An owl too. At this rate how I am going to come over this competition? " He asked out playfully which made kook giggle at his jelly ness.

" Hyungie let's get a puppy. Cute little puppy? " Kook mind diverted in a second, as he remembered the couple in the book had a cute puppy.

" Mm, I don't want a dog to take your attention more than me." As he said kook looked at him suspesiously and nodded understanding that he is going nuts.

" What's going inside your mind hun?? " Kook bultered out making taehyung smirk,

Taehyung got up to take younger in his hands but kook pulled him back, making him sit back and climbed over his laps making Taehyung smirk wide,

taehyung's hands made their way towards his lower back, gripping him tight, while their lips synchronized with each other, devouring each other slowly till the deepest part.

" Now tell me, where do you learn this all? " Taehyung broke out as kook panted hard, while his lower body kept swaying making taehyung groan,

Kook warped his hands around taehyung kept grinding on his laps, right on their cores.

" Fuck baby, I can smell your arosal! " Taehyung groaned out pulling kook more closer sucking on his neck as younger tried to controll.

" Oh my god, I didn't knew it would be this good, the book was sure good to read. And I wanted you try it , so I did! " Kook statement made taehyung chuckle while he kept biting and marking his neck.

" Well let's see, how much you got in your brain? " Taehyung deep voice sent chills down younger as he nibbed on his ear lobe,

" Oh - god - hyungie, stop it - yah what you all seeing huh? Get home-shoo" Kook broke it while glaring at the little animals, which flewed away as he said shoo.

" Let's continue now." Taehyung growled lowly, keeping his hands on kooks waist giving a tight squeeze on his hips, as kook grinded himself on, the low groans and moans escaping from them now and then.

Until taehyung phone buzzed loud making kook snap out, kook reached for the phone and gave it to taehyung who just sighed as he saw the caller Id,

It's his mom, One and only World Wide handsome Jin.

Kook got up even though elder refused to let go of his grip on kooks waist,

He answered the call as kook kept his head on his shoulder nudging him to answer the call,

" Awe did I disturbed at wrong time tae? " Jin statement made kook laugh lowly, thinking how acurate his mother in law can be.

" No papa, it's alright. Is everything fine there? " Taehyung asked back,

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