Chapter 3

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( Min yoongi and Milli father - Min hwan, Mother - Min Gyeong)

( Jung Heoseok and jimin father - Jung hyun, Mother - Jung iseul )

( Choi Kai father and mother - Choi dae seong and choi da-eun )

( Kang Daniel father and mother- Kang Ju-won and Kang Ma-ri )

A week later ~~~~

" Namjoon-ah let's have a family dinner tonight, I already informed hyun, Jackson, seong, hwan, Ju-won . Don't be late , sharp 7pm and all are staying here. No excuses " ha-joon ended the call before Namjoon could answer an excuse, Jin sighed keeping his spatula a side and turned to his husband who is in deep thoughts leaning over the counter, he waited till namjoon himself pulled him into his chest, hugging hell out of Seokjin he spoke

"This time if something happens Don't stop me, it's been almost eighteen years, and he is speaking like nothing happened, but it hurts deep in my heart that I am the sole reason for everything that took place all these years." Tears threatened to fall out but the pain wasn't that weak, it broke his heart into millions of pieces every time he thought about it, and even he, himself knows for what he did tears aren't enough to ease it,

" Stop saying it to yourself Joonie, it was meant to happen sooner or later but what matters is now everything is alright and no one is dead and it's not going to happen again, we all are back together with the same bond, so keep that useless thoughts away and let's go and get ready. Let's inform that alien first." Calming Namjoon down with his touch, he dragged his 40 years old but still hot and handsome husband like a toddler and stopped when he saw his daughter is gawking at them secretly, and throwed a smirk and spoke

" Kim Ji-ah stop recording everything in your damn phone unless you want me to break it and show it down your throat instead of dinner. Go and get ready, you have 18 mins, one second late, I will make sure what I said will be done."

" let her do whatever she wants- " Namjoon voice died as he noticed Seokjin glaring at him,

"Looks like you don't want to share the shower with me Mr.Kim- " Seokjin walked over upstairs leaving his toddler, husband in disbelief

" No- yeobo- listen to me, Yah how can you do this to me-" Namjoon trailed behind him, while Ji-ah shut her door and stopped recording and smiled wickedly but it died when her eyes landed on time, " Shit I have 15 Min that's it, ahhhh" .......

As Seokjin entered the room, he grabbed his phone and dialled his son, who picked up at the second ring,

" We are having a family dinner tonight, at Jeon's house sharp 7pm my son. So be late, no excuses." And ended the call before his son could answer.

" I don't think it's going to be normal, not when Taehyung is around. What if- " Namjoon voice came from behind making Seokjin sigh in disbelief,

" It was meant to happen, no one can change it neither you nor me, and it's already been 18 years and I don't think you should have to worry about it over and all, just let it happen whatever it meant to be, this time let's not hold back, as you said." And Namjoon just nodded, throwing his head back and taking a deep breath, before Seokjin could move away he pulled him into a tight hug Calming himself down as much as he can, as Seokjin pulled out form it, Namjoon throwed him on his shoulder and made his way in the shower, ignoring His hus-wife protests.

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