Chapter 2

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" The Gala ~~

Here we go, the humans are always reincarnated, but their souls weren't normal,
A soul never dies until it is meant to cut ties with the destined one..
The pain remains the same. It never gets less. Every time they reincarnate, they are meant to remember everything, that what happened in their past life? The pain increases more and more as every life passes away. The pain of being away from the destined ones.

25 years later

Taehyung 25
Jungkook 23

The moon shining in the sky, the sea mirroring it, the castle alone on the top of the island shining with millions of lights, there weren't too many people yet, there was dead silence.
The people's faces were hidden behind the eye masks, wearing oddly black and white. The hall was filled with dead silence the moment a man dressed in all black entered in, the room was filled with mummers, and they were dead once he took his place on the throne,

" Let me introduce you all. This is Kim Taehyung. My son and the king,from now on. Please pay attention to the vows." Kim Namjoon announced and stood a side, and Taehyung took over,

" I, Kim Taehyung, son of former King Kim Namjoon. I vow to serve you all, but an exception, the good pays good and vice versa bad will cost its consequences too, so think before doing anything, especially when it involves the organisation, as per the old rules I have the right to change them at any time. Hope you all keep that in mind. One wrong move, and it all ends." His voice came out deep and horsey, everyone shuddered in fear. He was an exact replica of his father who stood aside with the same cold ice block expression on. And all the time his eyes were on someone, he got down the stage and

Namjoon said
" Enjoy the party." And Namjoon followed him, the two men looked no less than death itself , like living grim reapers Who can take your soul just by one look, they stopped by a particular table, and their talks continued,

" You rocked it, son!" Jin said hugging his son, while his sister ji-ah took photos and Namjoon in a deep conversation with Jackson and ha-joon, Heoseok and yoongi trying to keep their eyes off particular persons, jimin and Milli who were laughing and drinking some wine,
And a lost bunny boy looking at Taehyung like he is his carrot, and before he could realise their eyes met and hell broke the loose, the lights went off and

" Ladies and gentlemen, let's have some fun, choose your partner " Jimin voice boomed and everyone smiled, and soon everyone choose their partner and before Jungkook move aside he felt two hands dragging him to centre of attention, he looked up to meet Taehyung eyes, his breath hitched a little but covered it up and looked aside

" Don't you think there are so many princess waiting to dance with you -"  His words were cut off by Taehyung gripping him more tighter,

" Dance with me." And it was all. He just moved in sync following the rhythm, and everyone's eyes were on them..

And their eyes never left each other.

" Oh my gosh, I never imagined this oppa," Jennie whispered out, and Jin gave a duh look while Namjoon and Ha-Joon are trying to process everything.

Yoongi and Jimin are busy kissing each other faces off, too busy to even notice their surroundings,

Milli and Heoseok were busy in their eye contact,

when the song ended, they were still in that position, their hands in each other, their eyes never leaving each other, and the air was so tense, their closeness is something more, it expressed something more and no one could see it,

Their height difference is the only thing that is separating their lips from touching....

Before the crowd could end the ceremony, with loud claps.
The lights went off,

And Jungkook felt Taehyung's lips on his, his hands on his waist gripping like he would die if he let him go.
His eyes were wide open, too shocked to even kiss back.

" You are sealed with me forever, from. on . now Jeon."


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