chapter 9

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First of all, I want to make something clear,

In this taekook, share different bonds like it's not more likely to be fluff or sweat,

Rather it would be a hot, spicy, dark romance.

I have been building up Taehyung's character- He gives no shit for useless things
- He respects his family but an exception comes in as per situation and at a point if we connect the dots the sole reason is his little angel who doesn't like it if goes the other way,

- He is completely ruthless in this series, cuz he was made like one( you will get to know soon )

- And his inner beast doesn't let anyone control him over, cuz he is a headstrong.

And I also suggest you guys to read my other book or give it a try, - Enamoured.
Go to the profile, please.

So let's begin~~~~~~

" Kiss me hyungie~" It was enough to break the limits they had been set to,

Taehyung smashed his lips on his baby like a hungry tiger which has been starving for decades, is having a full meal course in front of him.

They both were hungry for each other, and god knows when.

Kook was getting breathless by passing each second, yet Taehyung gave no shit about breaking the kiss, he knew if he does he will be not able to control himself, kook patted his chest lightly trying to break the kiss, but he wasn't ready for it, he wanted more.

Yet Taehyung didn't want to make his kook breathless, at the same time he wanted to more, he wanted every single ounce still last forever, he had no option either, he pulled off and it made Kook breathe heavily joining their foreheads, he breathed in and out, and Taehyung mesmerized by it, he was getting addicted to even the breath rhythm, yet he wanted to steal it too.

Breathing out the hotness building inside him, he mumbled closing the even gap between them, their lips touching merely,
" Doll tell me that you want to stop, or else I can't help it, you know what happens if I lose control-!" Taehyung deep voice made goosebumps rise all over Kook's body, making him shudder at the pleasure was going through.

Looking straight into Taehyung's eyes kook mumbled, " What if, I say I don't want you to stop Hyungie!" His words provoked the beast ragging up inside Taehyung, his pitch black eyes blazing with fire, making Kook want to drown in them more, more that he wouldn't be able to come back again.

The tension broke with a loud buzz sound, Taehyung groaned picking it up with a done face while Kook struggled to keep himself sane,

It was Yoongi's name flashing on the top, Taehyung cleared his throat keeping the phone near his ear, he hummed in response,

" Taehyung-ah be careful, don't you dare to lose control. I know what's going on there and I should not interrupt like this but, I don't want you to mess things up more, all you have to do is wait till Blue Moon, Kookie gets used to everything! And you better be back home by morning, everyone is happy and yang is in our hold but you need to know that, it's not him who stood against us! Someone led him all the way to divert the attention! I want you to be careful don't let your guard down." the call got cut before could open his mouth, he looked at Kook who was looking at him with wide eyes, and his mouth apart, inviting Taehyung to devour those lips, which are rosy red.

" Despite my desire to stop, I've decided to heed Hyung's advice and take a more cautious approach. Let's hold off for now and wait for a better opportunity to act. " Taehyung said caressing Kook's cheeks and tossing the phone away, he pulled him closer as Kook pouted nodding his head,

" I want answers for everything you did! I assume we have got little time to talk about it Mr. Kim, don't you dare to deny it!" Kook hissed out as Taehyung's grip got strong making him snap out of something, remembering the gala, where Taehyung kissed him all of a a sudden and acted like nothing ever happened.

" We got separated at the age of 15 and we met after 10 years, due to the shitty thing that organization came up with. You and neither of us wanted to separate, yet it happened because of my fault, papa said I needed to learn how to control my inner self before I took a step ahead in our relationship, and when we met at the gala, I lost control even though I worked on it for ten years, it was lost at the moment I got close to you, a sniff of your scent made me lose control I have worked to gain, and after that dad gave an earful- and I thought maybe It made you go uncomfortable around me, and I decided to avoid you at any cost, to make it up-" Taehyung got cut of by kook, who slapped him right at his cheek making his head snap to the other side, he breathed heavily making his mind up before facing his angry angel.

" SO, you thought that I got uncomfortable because of the sudden move you made, and what you think I will feel rather that, but I didn't expect you to decide something stupid, what the heck do you even know about me, I couldn't even able to get a wink of sleep whole weekend and at the gathering when Joonie appa said you will be training me, I thought I bought up hell upon me, and you know what-' he stopped for a sec taking a deep breath, kook leaned closer mumbling,
" I have started to loathe you to death Kim Taehyung!, yet it still fascinates me how far I can go, my feelings are going on a rollercoaster and I am sure you are enjoying it quite well! "

A low grumble made Kook stop in his tracks, their eyes never left each other, and Kook couldn't help but panic as he noticed Taehyung's eyes glowing with a tint mint color, kook hugged Taehyung tightly, noticing the breath rhythm getting down, he backed a little bit just to notice that it's way out of control now,

In a shift moment, he got thrown aside, his skin getting goosebumps all over as Taehyung pinned him more into the matterss, those eyes making kook breathless, one is pitch black and other is glowing mint.

" Angel, watch your mouth- before speaking! " His deep voice boomed around, breaking the silence, kook getting breathless second to second.

" V- can you get off me. I am having a hard time breathing! " Kook voice came out Pleading....

While a sinsister laugh escaped from the elder, making kook eyes widen....

Cuz he know, it's not his taehyung, and he is not in control,.

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