Chapter 10

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The room fell silent, kook breathing heavily, and every second went like an hour, while V is staring at him like a demon preying on a soul.

" What are you doing to me Angel! " V breathed out, the deep voice sending chills down the spine, closing the distance, pushing his face into jungkooks nape, breathing in his scent like he would die if he takes a step back, while kook gluled hard controling his moans,

" V- stop it." Kook tried hard to speak out, in return he got a hickey on his neck for telling him to stop,

" You know I have the greatest urge to mark you at this moment but I am not allowed to, it's hurts when I hold back from claiming you as mine. It fucking makes me want to rip my heart away! " V groaned out sucking over the hickey he just gave to his angel, giving a hard time to kook to breath and stop his moans.
At that moment he wanted to scream but nothing came out of his mouth,

" Do you know angel , how much pretty you look with the marks I gave you, it fucking makes me get addicted more! " V pulled back looking into those doe eyes filled with pressure and confusion, fear, sparkiling with vivid emotions and memories running in his subconscious mind, while he just bored his serine eyes beyond those doe eyes,.
Which made him go more exint,

" I- I don't know, I feel different. V can you just stop it, it's getting hard to breathe-" Kook whispered out, and V felt like it's smothering him slowly,

" Fine, let me have a proper kiss., before I hand over control to him! " He commanded like always, and it didn't left any option for kookie, before he could take a breath, V smashed his lips on kooks, making him go mkre breathless,
Making him drown in escatacy,

While kookie mind went black, his eyes rolling back as the pressure is getting high,

Those moments coming back to his subconscious,

A blury vision of taehyung, standing over the door step with heavy eyes filled with sadness, and rage, and those eyes never loose a chance to make him so week, just by that. And the distint voices of his parents at the end of the hall,

" Hyungie you came to give me fairwell, - " Before he could speak, he saw taehyung getting near him, dangerously closer, tracing his jaw and neck line taehyung breathed in and out, while he could feel the chills running down his spine and his face turing red by the hot breath,

" No matter what, you are mine! " And he could feel the heaven, taehyung kissing him as a fairwell, and the vision getting more blury, and distint gasps from his parents, before he could loose it all, he got back to present, as he felt a sting on his lips amd the metal taste running down his tongue,

" Breath baby, breath! " V voice brought him back, he looked at him breathing heavily, gripping his shoulders, his face turing red as he noticed his is sitting on his lap, and those hands are around him, gripping him in a tight hold,

" Keep your words V, give taehyung his control back, I am sure we have so much time ahead! " As the words left kooks mouth, V sighed heavily and bite his cheek and whispered low in his ear something, and in snap he could feel the grip getting loose and then tight agsin making him sigh,

He looked at tae to find him, breathing hard, while his eyes are back to normal, making kook sigh in releaf, " Tae you need to work hard, he almost marked me, and I can bet it will get more hard tk handle him next time! " Kook stated dropping his guard down, whild taehyung just nodded,

" But he is screaming that he won't loose control next time, unless he gets a kiss! " It made kook blush more hard, as if it was his first time,

" Whatever, now can you let go of me, or else I am sure I will get burised! " He hissed out making taehyung smile,

" Do you want to go back!" Taehyung asked out out of nowhere, making kook confused, kook tilted his head a little, trying to rea out Taehyung, but sighed getting no conclusion,
Dropping his hands around Taehyung's neck they pulled close to eachother, Taehyung joined their foreheads, while kook breathed out,
" Sometimes I can't get what's going on inside your brain hyung!" He complained making Taehyung smile,

" Fine, if you want to stay ok, but we have to return tomorrow, or else I can't say anymore. Yoongi hyung will come here the next min." Taehyung said getting up making kook frown,

" Fine let's go out and explore, I want to see how perfectly you made this for us!" Kook giggled out making Taehyung grumble,

" Alright, what will I get if you like it, I didn't receive any rewards for this hard work yet?" Taehyung said opening the door and entering into the living room, where all wooden work is perfectly done,

" Well that's my job to decide, let's see- omo where did you got that couches, they are so cosy." Kook said making Taehyung smirk,

" Baby I made every single thing here all by myself." It made kook blush hard, realising what he awed on a moment before,

" I didn't knew you are dirty from the start, who the heel will place that cair in the living room, oh my gosh hyungie I seriously speechless!" Kook blurted out, while Taehyung just shrugged going towards the kitchen, and placed kook on the island,

" No one knows about this place except Yoongi hyung and dad, and I am sure they know well about me and when we are alone they know enough about me to think thousand times to open the door and I am shameless, it's our space so we can be however we want and I intend to fill ever step a memory." It made kook blush more hard, while Taehyung started to make something.

" And you are saying you are not shameless by that, you are so unbelievable hyung!" Kook sighed while Taehyung paid no attention to his complains,

" What you want to eat bub, I have got plenty of stock here." Taehyung asked taking a pan in his hands while, kook smiled jumping down, he went towards Taehyung and whispered,

"Do you like to eat ramyon hyungie, make it less spicy"

It made Taehyung smirk,

" I am ok with it unless you both start something unholy!" Yoongi voice made them snap out,

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