chapter 8

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" Ah- I think Kook just used his power, he must have fainted too- ha-joon do something-!" Ha-na shuttered while patting her chest slowly, while Jin and Jennie got more worried,

Namjoon just sighed praying for good, while ha-joon stood there not able to move,
On the other side
Jackson constantly calls Taehyung, to fail again and again, not able to believe his daughter and his fav niece are kidnapped by some bastards.

" What the fuck you are saying, daniel. I don't care, take how many guards you can but I want everyone safe by the end of the hour, and if you don't. I will not keep my words too, as you wanted me not to involve!" Heoseok voice boomed over the other side while Mrs. Jung iseul just sat beside her husband hyun who is sweating like hell,

" Were is Yoongi!" Jimin voice came , he stood beside his father hyun who just closed his eyes and shook his head,

"He must have gone to kill them already!" Min hwan spoke as it doesn't matter that much while his worried wife gyeong just sighed as Jennie holded her hand, and ma-ri calming down da-eun who is trying to contact ji-ah.

" Ji-ah is not answering the calls either!-" Ma-ri got cut off by heoseok

" I am sorry for not informing before, kai already got her she is with daneil now, don't worry! " He said sitting beside hwan who just patted his shoulder, saying

" It's ok it's not your fault to let her go out with Mia, they will be alright-" Before he could speak further, Heoseok broke down into tears, making everyone more worried.

" I don't know, she was sick from last week but she said she will be ok cuz maybe it's her cycle time, we went for a check up and the reports said that she is 2 weeks pregnant dad, and she doesn't even know it and that freaking bastards took her!, I won't be able to live with a regret if something unexpected happens-" He broke down hugging jimin who just simled through tears,

" Hyung maybe you will get scoldings later by our father in law but I can assure you that nothing is going to happen like that, have faith. " Jimmy spoke as min hwan just nodded in aggrement, while hyun glared hard,

" Yah your son will get the same scoldings if jimin gets pregnant, understand! " It made Jackson sigh in a dramatic way, while dae-song just slapped his shoulder in return, pointing his finger in a manner that
' you know my son loves your daughter thermendously ' which made Ju-won slap their heads in return,

Soon Daneil called which heosoke answered hurriedly putting it in speaker.,

" Hyung can you come with a back up to clean, Tae-hyung just painted the construction site with blood and made acretechcures with the bodies of dead- you need to get them here before media gets in the way! "

" Oh god, and what about girls are they ok-" Before heoseok could ask kai took over.

" Don't call them girls, you know what your pregnant wife made that goons as her slaves and they were enjoying there private show, I couldn't believe my eyes, they made that goons to play barbie girl show and top of it, when taehyung was finished the blood shit he went back to the car and drove off somewhere as kook is still in unconscious state, we will be there in a few min. " While the girls behind are laughing hard,

" No one is alive right-? " Jimin voice broke at last.

" Nope, yoongi hyung took care of the rest, he got yang and his people at dungeon, seo-jun is going to take over them for a while and rest you know! " Daniel replied making them sigh in relife.

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