chapter 7

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" Hyung I have tracked them, they are in a construction site, near the coastal area of ilsan " Kai shouted out through the phone, while Taehyung just humed out clenching his jaw, while jungkook turned the car around, thriving through the traffic,

" Inform the elders, take them all together to the warehouse!"

He cut the all and was going to make an another call, and the moment he het the call button a bullet hit the call, falling off.

"10% damage" the ai voice boomed making kook awe at it, while Taehyung just stared through the crowd getting into a big chaos,

" Taehyung-ah?" A voice broke the silence, grabbing Taehyung attention, keeping the phone to his ear Taehyung spoke breathing out,

" Hyung , Milli and Mia are taken by Yang groups. I want you to jam the whole network of ilsan costal area! And this god damn traffic too, can you do that?"

" There are plenty of them around you be careful and here we go, the next half hour is going to be your paly! " Hearing the reply he smirked, making kook eyes widen, ending the call, he tossed it off to the back seat,

taking out his gun, he opened the door, while kook drove through the jamed cars.

" What the fuck he is up to!" One of the men shouted getting alerted, and the next moment his head got blown up,

" Boys round them up! "
A man shouted though the crowd while many cars started to hit on them,

Shaking his head at their stupidity, Taehyung got on top of the car, shuting the door, making kook jerk at the sudden thud, while he watched Taehyung through the mirror,
Taehyung shooting them all like it's not a big deal, while bullets hit the car constantly, " 30% damage!" The ai voice boomed,

"Oh god!" He mumbled taking a turn, loosing their track.

Soon a knock broke his thoughts, he looked over to see Taehyung signalling him to jump to the passenger seat, before he could do, the door got opened, making him loose balance, before he could flip to other side, his waist was warped up by Taehyung hand, a gun in his hands point right to his abdomen, another bullet hit the car making them jerk in response,

"Fuck " Taehyung grumbled pulling kook up, he drove through the way, where cars honking got more, while few of them chasing them shouting their lungs out with yachts in their hands sawing in air aiming at the car tires, while the ai voice boomed, " 50% damage"

The position was way too intimate, kook is on Taehyung's lap, his hand which is holding his gun on kooks ass, and another on the steering wheel, while their faces are inch apart, and kook was dumb to move, too much mismarised by his hyung handsome-ness in the middle of the chaos, on the top of it he was straddling his laps, wetness pooling inside, he couldn't help it, his eyes turned  bright purple, his hands warping around Taehyung's neck, an invisible barrier bursting off the cars following them, and the next moment kook fainted on him...

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