Chapter 5

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The car was filled with dense air, tension increasing sec to sec and the silence adding fuel to it, yet they are craving it much, having no option left they both remained silent,
it's not like they are completely strangers to each other but they share a way too much compilated things.

You may add feelings too, elder know everything about youger, same goes to kook, he can read Taehyung like an open book. 

And I may add it is the reason why everyone ships them too, including their parents to their cousins everyone can see the attraction between them, the perfection they can make.

But who we are talking about, 

Kim Taehyung is Whipped for his work and nothing else can distract him,

and about Jeon Jungkook he loves his family and he will never try to hurt them by crossing limits,

and both are quite opposite yet opposites attract the most, in another words. 

They both know the consequences yet they don't give a damn about it and decide to keep themselves, and even god doesn't know what's going in their minds, we have to wait till the time comes.

Until they are ready to give it all to face the consequences.

Soon they reached the head quarters, the guards bowed in respect as Taehyung car entered,

Jungkook gwaking at everything. He got down as Taehyung stopped the car, mumbling a quite thanks which could be barely heard.

Taehyung finish eating Jungkook ass in his mind and got out locking the car, he tossed the car keys to a guard who catched it instantly and walked past to park the car inside the garage,

Taehyung walked forward and motioned Jungkook to follow him as the younger was engrossed in checking out the place.

Jungkook ~

At this moment I want mother Earth just shallow me, so deep that I will be out of this,

and I better face hell rather than face the upcoming, I have already made it clear to my coconut head about being around him,

It's just that I can't control myself around him, no matter what.

Even though I love that, but his expression less face makes it other way that he ever wants to give in and I let it me, not that I care cuz,

If I ask Namjoonie appa or yoongie hyung they are going to make it happen, even it includes that my taehyungie marrying me and loving me unconditionally, andy aunts can be a part of it too.

I can be more cruel when it comes to him cuz, I am heads over heels for this man with board shoulders, which I can grab on whole he is fucking daylight out of me- ah that went overboard.

But I can't stay in control not even a bet of me giving a shameless vibe, as I stare at my taehyungie back,

he is so tall and handsome as hell,

and of course with expression less, as Ice block.

But I melt just by a stare of him, it intrigued me, intoxicated me to extinct.

" Get yourself ready, we go with shooting first, pick your model."

  His voice broke my thoughts,
I nod and take a look at the models they have and one thing caught my eyes, the shining silver handgun, papa had trained me good as per my protection.

I can do this. I sighed out getting a headset and grabbing gloves from aside, I prepared myself,

I am not at all thinking about shooting right now, it feels different practicing while he is around,

his eyes on me,

watching my every move, it makes me go insane as I just think about it.

" Take your position, Jeon." 

His voice commands make me feel giddy,

I kinda like his commanding tone but dislike it that he is commanding me things to do, loading the gun,

I take my place and I fire the bullets right though the wooden body skull and then every mark placed on it, I certainly don't like being commanded or ordered around.

" Alright, let's go for.the physical tasks!"

  His voice didn't change nor did he show an amusement in his face, my handsome ice block prince,

I am going insane with the crying names i come up with but I can help it either.

I follow him as he is a foot ahead of me, god i hope this day doesn't get any better than the worst.

And the fact that I didn't even utter a single word since then, it feels like my tongue is tied up, my throat burning with weird sensation as I enter into the field,

Taehyungie goes over a table and hands me over some juice and then takes off his shirt making me go red, the tension is getting hotter,

I can ever be able to get off him, his broad shoulders in display and his muscles clenching and unclenching, making me go insane. I need to get a grip, i fucking need to.

"Boss someone tried to break in last night after you left, we caught him at last. He is tied up in base!"

A man came in front and said, and I knew it the moment, I pity that boy. 

Well, when it comes to this type of thing, my Taehyungie gets mad, when he gets mad, don't expect things to go smoothly cuz he gets into beast mode and I am happy that I am going to see his madness finally,

cuz from the beginning everyone were talking about how beastly he killed someone who tried to break in, it always kept me intrigued, yet it made me get more curious about this man, I can't help it either. 

"Jeon would you like to join!" 

my soul left my body, it wasn't a question nor it felt like he was asking, it's more like demanding me or commanding me to do so, and this time I feel different, it didn't make me feel giddy, thoughts going out of the league.

And all I can do is nod,

And hell I am still expecting the worst to come out....

Of Kim Fucking Taehyung,

The man I loath, to death.

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