chapter 6

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Kim Taehyung.

I don't know what the hell is going on with me from past 2hrs, my brain is working too much eating his ass,

I can't take my eyes off him no matter how much hard I try, yet he is giving me a hard time, I don't think it will go down good even the slightest thing goes wrong, we are majors but still,

a part of me fears cuz there is a beast inside my mind, and only he has the access to control him,

I have been working on it since age five and yet I can't figure it out why it goes like that,

It's a family heirloom, even dad went though this stage until pa came, same with me, even the slightest thing can make me go angry and that's the whole damn thing I am not as good at controlling as my dad.

That's the whole reason for me and kook can't be together, they made it obvious for me, if I want to claim him I have to get a grip on my powers, yet a glimpse of him can take me to the edge of losing my shit.

Walking through the doors we made it to the base number three, where I introgate, more like killing slowly.
Taking my eyes off him, I breathe slowly keeping myself insane.

I can't get him find me weird or make him freak out. And I must not zone out, I will be Fucked up pretty bad if I do out nowhere.

He is built up solid yet still thin, and I - I am packed with muscle attached with my bones, pretty lean and strong to kill many.

Grabbing a knife from the table I toss to him across, making the fuckard eyes blow out.

" It's my first time dealing things like this! " He Burtuled out,

" Well you have to learn how things are going to get handled Mr. Jeon."

" Well-" I cut him off

" Come forward, and watch. " I command, and he does as I say.

Those big eyes filled with curiosity yet so frightened inside.
It makes me feel different, I feel confident than before, or it's just a new kind of feeling I get everytime with him, shrugging off my thoughts, I watch the traitor dead in eyes as he trembleds under my stare.

Tearing his skin across his arm, he groaned out, the blood rushing out, I do that again cutting the flesh more deeper this time, the blood flows down fast, as he screams his eyes go blood shot.

" Who is behind his mess you have caused?" He stays quiet and in a moment I get the finger cutter, and before he could deny I cut his thumb, making him scream louder,

my baby wincing at the sight, I hope this bitch will give up soon, i don't think he will be able to see everything I do to make him split the truth.

And if anything happens to him I don't know how I will go with this bastard.

" A question is asked only once, and a second later you another finger will be gone if you don't reply at instant." He nods in pain, taking a deep breath he opens his mouth.

" Yang groups sent me to attack you, I don't know anything more. Please leave me." He answered huffing in and out, it took me a moment, I glanced at my best men, to take care and made me way out, his small figure traling behind me.

" What does Yang group want now?" I galance back at him making him bumb into my back, turing back I looked at him, his eyes glaring at me. Adorable pout forming on his lips at the confused state, he make me go week just like that.

Our heads inch apart, all it takes is a push to kiss him, dooming myself to the extinct, yet I control.

" We ship drugs for good deeds, they use for wrong deeds. I guess that's makes sense Mr.Jeon." he just nodded, making me feel giddy inside, yet I let no emotion out.

" It does" and it took me for ever to stop myself from slamming my lips on his lips to feel the heaven. Yet I show nothing, not even a muscle moving on me.

And all it broke with a call.

I answer it taking a step back, my eyes never leaving his,

It's papa,

" Tae bear, Milli and Mia are not answering the calls. Mark is out of reach too. We can't even trace there location. Please come fast." And hell broke loose, grabbing jungkooks hand I drag him out while he lets me, concern laced over his face.

" What happened-"  I cut him off, taking a turn to the garage,

" Milli and Mia are out of reach. We have to go!" He didn't move a bit, before I could make a move he grabbed the keys from my mans hold and got in, signalling me to take the passenger seat, gosh why I am so excited and worried right now.

As I got in, the engine roared and as I expected,
the ride straight to the hell just started.

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