B: Typical Morning

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The sound of his alarm clock ringing from the furniture next to his bed woke B up from his slumber. The brown haired young man opened his eyes, revealing his left eye socket to be completely dark and empty as he let out a yawn, feeling a bit sleepy just like he did for most of the time when he woke up. Something inside him was telling him to ignore his alarm clock and go back to sleep, but he knew staying in his bed for this long won't do him any good.

He rolled in his bed to the other side of it, suspecting to see a familiar person laying next to him. Much to his suprise, the spot next to him was empty. He narrowed his eye questioningly at the view of the empty spot on the bed, remembering himself going to sleep with someone else last night. He sat up on his bed and looked around himself, trying to see if the said person was anywhere in his room right now. It didn't took him long to find out he was the only person in his room right now.

"Oh, she must have already woken up and didn't want to woke me up before the alarm. Not suprising. She's always been a bigger early bird than me. She must be having breakfast with the others right now." He thought to himself at the view of him being the only person in the room right now. He nodded himself right after, knowing it was time for him to start his day.

Not wasting any time, B stretched his arms above his head and got up from his bed. He walked over to the furniture next to bed his bed and opened a small wooden box that he kept next to it since since one incident. He quickly reached into the box and pulled out one of his glass eyes out of it a second later. He closed the wooden box right after, having no further need of keeping it open for now and made his way to the door in the corner of his room.

He grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open, revealing this room to the the bathroom. Having a private bathroom was one of the perks of living in a place as huge as it was. He walked into the bathroom, making sure to close the door behind him and made his way to the mirror. He looked at his own reflection, letting out a sigh at the view of his face as he wasted no time and quickly put his glass eye inside his left eye. 

He walked out of the bathroom several minutes later, ready to start the new day as he had brushed his teeth and taken a quick shower. He made his way back to the furniture next to his bed right after leaving the bathroom, having something else he had to take from there after preparing himself for the day. He set his eyes on his mask upon reaching the said furniture a few seconds later. Letting a sigh at the view of it, he reached out to grab it and picked it up from the furniture.

He lifted his mask up to his face and covered his face with it, finishing his morning routine. He moved towards the exit from his room right after. He knew he could have changed from his pajama clothes which consisted of a black shirt and dark gray shorts into his casual clothes right now but he could do it later after he had breakfast. He opened the exit from him room right after reaching it and walked out of his room, finding himself in a long hallway.

Not wasting any time, he quickly pushed himself into walk towards the common dining room of the place he was living right. As he continued to make his way towards the dining room, he passed by a familiar face in the form of operator 6O from. She waved at him cheerfully as a way of greeting, like she did everytime when they greeted each other as he nodded at her, acknowledging her greeting and greeting her back. From the direction he was heading right now, he could easily tell where she was heading right now.

He made his way into the dining room right after. He immediately noticed a few familiar figures gathered around the table, having breakfast with each other. The figures included a few of his watchers such as Q, X, L and J and a few of the characters who were either brought into this place to live with them for one reason or another or were paying them a visit such as Molly, A2, Devola, Eddy and Double D. Most of them were gathered around the table as L and J were doing something in the kitche. He quickly made his way to the table.

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